Chapter 6

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Reynold's POV


"Come on, slowpoke!" I called behind me. I raced to the tree, knowing Rose was right behind me. Slapping the trunk three times, I held my hands up in victory. Rose finally caught up and slapped the tree, groaning as she did so. Panting, she rested her head against me.

"Next time I get a head start," she said. I laughed, kissing her on the forehead. "I'll still beat you."

She tried to push me, but that only lead to me sweeping her off her feat and holding her bridal style. She laughed. "Put me down!" she screamed. I grinned. "Only if you say it," i argued.

She shook her head. "I love you, Reynold."

I kissed her through my wide smile. Tomorrow, I would ask her father for her hand. We had everything planned. Her father would obviously say yes. I had money and power in the community - an important factor when getting married. Rose's family was the same. If only he knew I wanted to marry her for love, not money.

"Pretty soon we can do this in public," I said. Her bright blue eyes twinkled as I ran by fingers through her shoulder length hair. I heart skipped a beat as she leaned in to kiss me again.

"Reynold!" Someone called behind us. My most trusted friend, William, stood behind us. He was the only person we trusted with our secret. "Another witch has been found, we need to hurry!"

I let go of Rose, her sky blue eyes filled with worry. She hated when I went witch hunting, but I was one of the few that only came to make sure they didn't hurt the accused.

"I'm coming with you," she said. I shook my head. "You know you can't, especially with most of the accused being women. I don't want you getting hurt."

Her eyes sparkled with a ferocity brighter than diamonds. "Who said I would get hurt?"

I smiled, but I struggled to ignore the burning feeling inside of me that something would go wrong.

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