Chapter 8

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《Happy Fourth Of July!💙❤🤘》

I woke up to little snores behind me and turned around to see Donald asleep. I smiled at how cute he looked when asleep.

Looking down I saw that his arms wrapped around me. Donalds alarm started going off and I heard a little groan. "Come on Don you got to get up." I chuckled while trying to shake him awake. "But I want to sleep.." He wined. "But we have semi-finals tonight." I pointed out. I got out of his arms but he still didn't get up, so I started planting kisses up his neck. Nothing. So me being me I slapped his a**. "Woah what was that for?!" He shot up hands flying to his butt. "You wouldn't get up, so I decided to slap you awake." I shrugged. A smirk fell onto Donalds face. "What's that smirk for?" I asked getting a little nervous. Donald went up behind me and slapped his hand onto my a** But he didn't let go, he then squeezed making me squeak. "Pay back." He smirked walking away.

But he didn't know that, that little 'pay back' thing made me a bit hot. Of course I would never admit that to him.

"Well I have to go."

"See ya at semi-finals." I waved walking out and back to my room. "Okay where were you last night?" Amy asked right when I walk through the door. "Um....." I trailed off, not really having anything for an excuse. "Okay I'll tell you, but you can't tell any of the other Bellas." I said finally breaking. "Go on." Amy gestured. "I went over to the Treble's frat house last night and fell asleep there." I answered and Amy had wide eyes. "They have a frat house?!" Amy asked. "Yeah that was my expression when I first found out." I snickered. "Anyway we got to get ready!" I shouted grabbing my uniform and went into the bathroom to changed.

Putting on my make-up and then putting on the heels.

All of us were sitting on the bus right now while Amy is driving. We came to a stop to get gas. "Don't you flat butts worry. I got this. I'm just gonna pump and dump." Amy said unbuckling he seat belt. "I'll go with you." I offered and got up with her so I could stretch my legs. I mostly just stood by Amy until I heard what sounded like Bumper yelling something. Then Amy got hit by food. "I'm shot! I just got shot!" Amy yelled while sliding down the bus. "Amy!" I shouted running over to her. Cynthia Rose came running out along with Beca and Lily. Cynthia tried doing CPR on Any but she stopped her. We all then got on the bus, it was quite until Chloe started singing Party In the USA. Everyone started singing along until the bus started making a noise and slowing down.

"It's uh it's woah..." Amy said.

"What the hell?" Aubrey asked.

"It's pretty cool. I think we're just running out of gas." Amy answered.

"That's impossible, you just filled the tank." Aubrey stated.

"Yeah I did.....and yet maybe I didn't because I got hit by flying Mexican food."

"And we're out." Amy said as we came to a stop. "Maybe we could call-" Chloe started but Aubrey cut in. "No Chloe don't you dare say that." She snapped. "Actually that's a good idea, I've got Bumpers number." Amy offered looking for her phone. "Why do you have Bumpers number?" Aubrey asked.

"Uhh.....uhhhhh." Amy was trying to find an answer but she couldn't. She called them up and they came back. I sat behind Donald since he was driving. "So what does the Barden Bellas have for us today?" Bumper asked.

I zoned out not really wanting to hear the rest. Then the Treble's and Bellas started singing back and forth 'you can suck my balls' and 'you can lick my a**.' "Nine miles guys." Donald said. "Do you always deal with this?" I asked him as he stopped beatboxing. "No, this is the first time the Bellas had to ride with the Trebles." He answered and I just nodded. "Well I hope this is the last time." I stated and he chuckled. "Don't act all innocent baby bubble. I know you're a dirty person inside." Donald stated. "Not really." I added. And then just went back to my own little beatboxing.

We finally got there and the Bellas got off.

We were right now watching the 'Footnotes' perform. I sighed. There is no way we can win or get a chance to go to finals. "Where did they come from?" Stacie asked Aubrey as Aubrey was walking. "It's okay we just have to beat one of the groups." Aubrey tried to reassure us, more like her self.

It came for our turn and right when we started the audience zoned out. Beca started singing 'Bullet proof.' Throwing some of us off. We finished and walked off stage as Aubrey started pushing us to the side.

"What the hell Beca?!" Aubrey yelled. "What I was trying to help?!" Beca asked. "You realise this isn't the Beca show!" Aubrey shouted. "Why are you yelling at me, the audience zoned out of our performance." Beca stated. "I told you she's not a real Bella." Aubrey said to Chloe. "Aubrey stop." Chloe tried to stop her. "You're a grade pain in my a** and I know you're hooking up with Jesse." Aubrey yelled at Beca. "Woah we're not hooking up." Jesse said walking up. "Jesus Christ of course you're here right now, I don't need your help can you back off!" Beca yelled at him. "If this is what I get for trying." Beca stormed off. Aubrey then turned to me. "Baby! I know you're hooking up with Donald! Hell you probably had sex with all of them you slut!" Aubrey started yelling at me and I was shocked.

"Aubrey don't say that to Baby!" Chloe yelled at her along with my sister and a few others. "Aubrey she didn't hook up with me and she didn't do anything with the other Treble's." Donald tried to reassure her but she didn't listen. "I saw you heading off to the frat house." Aubrey snapped.

"Aubrey don't call my sister a slut!" Stacie yelled next. "It's fine let Aubrey have that stick up her a**, she won't get any where with that addaitude, it's not like we're going to semi-finals anyway." I chocked out leaving. I sat at the curb crying. I felt a hand go over my shoulder. "Hey sis, how are you?" I heard my sister asked. "How do you think I am, I just got called a slut by Aubrey." I answered. "Aubrey is just being a b!tch." Stacie stated. "How are we gonna get back?" I asked. "We're taking the Treble's bus back." She answered.

"So do you and Donald have a thing?" She asked as I stopped crying. "I really don't know. I mean I like him but I just don't know." I rambled. "Well either way I ship it." She smiled and I pulled a little smile. The Treble's finished and they got to move on to finals. We then got on the bus but Donald pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry you got called a slut." He apologized. "It wasn't your fault." I said wrapping my arms around his torso. "It is, you got called a slut because you hung out with us, and now you're not in the Bellas." He said rambling. "Yeah well it doesn't matter. The Bellas don't advance anyway." I stated. We finally let go of each other and walked into the bus. Though I sat next to Donald since he wasn't driving. I soon fell asleep on his shoulder.

~Donalds POV~

Baby fell asleep on my shoulder and I looked down to see her peaceful face. "You really love my sister don't you?" I heard Stacie asked and I went red. "W-Well I-I..." I couldn't find words to say, Stacie smiled. "Take good care of her, and if you ever hurt her you're going to be hunted down by me and shot on sight." She warned and I nodded. "She really loves you too, even if she doesn't show it." Stacie stated then went back to her thing. ' She loves me?!' I asked myself.

We finally got back to the campus and I picked Baby up so she wouldn't wake up. "Hey Amy she sleeps in your room right?" I asked walking over to her. "Yeah, but I think she should stay with you. She's sorta been through a lot." Amy suggested. "Yeah but she'll probably needs to be changed into different clothes." I stated. "Okay come with me, you can change her." Amy stated and I blushed. So I grabbed Stacie by the wrist and dragged her with me.

"Here we are." Fat Amy said sitting down on her bed. "Stacie could you change your sister for me?" I asked going red. "Sure." She answered and I waited at the door. "There we go. Night Fat Amy." Stacie said walking out. I picked Baby up bridal style and walked out of the room and over to the frat house.

I laid her down on the bed and tucked her in then went to change into my p.j's. Then climbed into bed with her, wrapping my arms around her waist like last time.

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