Chapter 9

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I woke up to light shining into the room so I dug my head into the chest I was facing. "Baby Bubble I think you should wake up." I heard and groaned.

"I don't want to."

"Come on please?" He asked and I sighed. "So how are you feeling?" He asked as I got up a stretched. "Fine." I mumbled. "Are you going anywhere for spring break?" I asked remembering that today is the first day of spring break. "No, you?" He answered. "No." I replied. "How come isn't Stacie your sister?" He asked. "Well yeah, but I don't really need to go home." I explained.

"Great then this means we get to hang out together!" I smiled and he nodded. Right now we were just sitting on the bed me in Donalds lap while his arms are around my waist. "Hey there is a beatbox jam thing going on tonight, you want to come?" I asked looking behind me. "Sure, sound's fun." He answered.

"Hey Baby Bubble have you ever had a boyfriend or been in a relationship?" Donald asked out of the blue. "Well......I Don't really think about. Stacie being the player she is I grew up around so I was somewhat of a player as well. I never got into another relationship after what happened when I first dated. I would flirt but not much more." I explained. "What happened the first time you tried dating? You don't have to answer if you don't want to." He asked and I nodded. "Well I feel hard for this boy at High school and we started dating, little did I know he was an abusive person. Once we started dating it was fine until I got called to go over to his place, I didn't think much of it at first but when I got there he seemed pretty drunk. He tried to get into my pants but I didn't want that so he called me an ungrateful bitch." I explained and as I continued I could feel Donalds arms tightening with every word I was saying. "Then he pulled out a belt and started whipping me. After that he pulled out a pole and burned me with it. I still have those scars. In anyway I found a glass bottle and hit him over the head with it. Running out as fast as I could before anything more happened." I explained farther and Donald had a tight grip now. "I went back home and Stacie was the one who came to my aid. After that now we don't really get into relationship, for her it was like a one night stand and for my it's just flirt and leave." I ended the story and Donald had a face I couldn't really read.

"Hey I'm here alive and well, no need to worry." I smiled putting a hand on his shoulder. He pulled my into a hug and he seemed to be hurt. "I'm so happy you are still here as to this day. I don't know what I would be doing right now if I haven't met you." He cried out and I could tell tears were streaming out of his eyes. "I'm happy I got to meet you too. And I hope nothing to bad if you didn't meet me." I chuckled lightly. "Hey if you keep frowning you're gonna get wrinkles." I stated and he laughed. "Thank you Melody." He hugged me tighter I gave him a weird look. "For what?" I asked not knowing what he's talking about. "Thank you for being there for me, even though you don't trust guys much. I'm glad I got to get to know you." He explained and a tear slipped out of my eyes making me smile. "You're the reason why." I whispered and just hugged his head into my chest. "Hey I have a question? You said when we kissed that, that was your first kiss?" He asked and I nodded. "But you were in a relationship?" He asked. "Oh I never kissed him when we first started. The most we did was hug or a kiss on the cheek." I explained and he nodded. After that sweet moment we decided to watch a movie before getting ready for the beatbox jam.

I dressed into a grey sweater that said take it easy, some light blue jeans, grey converses, putting on some make-up and then put my glasses on. "Ready?" Donald asked looking up from his phone. I nodded grabbing my phone and walked out with him.

The beatbox jam was awesome I got to beatbox and so did Donald. It helped me get my mind off of everything happening. "Hey you want to go get some pizza and drinks?" He asked as we walked out. I agreed and we got a pepperoni pizza cheese stuffed crust, and bottled coke. We sat on a patch of grass that had a big tree on it. "Are we something more then friends?" I asked and Donald looked at me shocked. "I thought I would be the one asking the question? But it's your choice of you're ready or not to date again. But I have to think of an awesome way to asked you properly." He explained. "Okay." Was all I mumbled out now going deep in thought. We finished off the pizza and started walking back to campus.

We headed off to bed me sleeping with Donald again. Soon I was having a nightmare of what happened to me in my first a last relationship. "Hey wake up it's just a bad dream." I heard Donald say as he shook me awake. "You okay?" He asked as we sat up, I just laid my head on his lap and he started the massage his hand in my hair. It felt very soothing. "I had a dream that my ex was doing that to me again." I blurted out. "Hey you're safe. Nobody's gonna hurt you or touch you. I'm here and I'll protect you." He claimed and I felt safe again. "Thank you, for being there for me. Even though I had these walls up. You were able to break them down. You mean something to me. And I love you for everything you've done for me..." I trailed off soon falling asleep.

~Donalds POV~

I sighed as she fell asleep. She started saying how she loved me and was greatful that I'm always there for her. I wanted to hear the end of her sentence but I couldn't. I laid her back down beside me and laid with her my hands still messing with her hair.

I'll love you for now and forever.

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