Chapter 4

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Skipping the details on how my weekend went, it was now the dreaded Monday that would determine my fate and my views on this school. I was quickly getting ready with a bit of fear on how everything would go. I quickly tied my hair up into a pony tail, slipped on my favorite sweatshirt and some jeans, along with a pair of Jordans. I wondered, as I looked at myself, if I looked confident and if I was ready to make a good impression on all those who would surround me. Truth be told, I wasn't. I wasn't prepared at all. Change to me was scary, because every time something changed, it was never for the best. But, I always seemed to get through all the obstacles in life by saying, "It will get better soon enough. Soon enough it will all be over. I'll be happy some day. I just know it." These words I've become too familiarized with and gave me zero to no comfort. Whereas if I was to hear the words, "I'm proud of you," from my strict parents I would cry at how those words would make an impact.

    Walking out of my house and walking into the car, I took myself of my thoughts. They were too deep. It was funny to think how you could think of something and then it would trail off into a deeper thought. Soon enough, my mom came into the car along with Seenia. Seenia settled into the back seat since I was already in the passenger's seat. My mom of course, was seated in the driver's seat. We waited until the car started for a bit, and then my mom started to drive. She dropped off my sister first and then dropped me off. As soon as I stepped a foot out of the car, I saw my mom drive away. At that moment, I wanted to turn and run back to the car and stay home. This campus was probably three times the size of my old one. I had my binder in my arms and held it close to me yet I did not look down. I wanted to make the impression that I was confident. Confidence, I figured was what led you to not be bullied, because if other students sae that you were insecure, they would pick on those features only to cause you to be more insecure.

    I walked into the office with my head held up, although I'm pretty sure I looked like the shy type. I remember once I asked all the people who I considered my friend if they thought I was shy or outgoing. Half of them said I was shy, and the other half said I was super outgoing. I approached the lady who looked the friendliest. "Um excuse me, but I'm a new transfer student..." I said trailing off as I mentally scolded myself. I was trying to be confident and started my sentence with um. The lady only looked up and smiled. "Can I have your name?" She asked as I simply nodded. "My name is Suzette Kim." I stated as I saw that she started to type. "Can you spell Suzette for me?" She asked seeming to be confused. I nodded once again. "S, u, z, e, t, t, e." I said spelling it out for her. I noticed how fast she was able to type. She smiled as she looked up at me. "Found ya, So I'm going to print out your schedule and then you can walk over there to take a picture for your ID. This one is free but if you lose it, it will be five dollars for a new one. Make sure to bring it to school everyday." She stated as I nodded waiting for my schedule to be printed.

    While waiting the other lady who was there gestured for me to walk all the way over to where there was a camera on a tripod facing a white wall. She told me to stand there and face the camera. "Ready? 1,2,3!" She said as I smiled knowing that, that picture was going to be on my ID. She printed it and it was glossy with the school name on it, my name, my ID number, and my picture. She attached it onto a lanyard and handed it to me. I placed it on one of my backpacks many pockets. I then walked to the lady who was supposed to have printed my schedule. I was confused at the numbers that were supposed to be the classrooms. Numbers like 7-112 and 7-214. She told me that the first number was the hall number. So all my classes were in hall number seven except art. That was in building 3. The number that was after that indicated that it was either upstairs or downstairs. She asked me if I understood, I only smiled and nodded so she would think I did but in reality I didn't. I simply just took my things and looked for my first period although I was lost. I asked a girl who was walking by if she could help me and she did.

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