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Here's the first (shorter than I'd wished) chapter of my new story! This story won't have any OC's, and is an AshXJohnny pairing story, with the main focus on Johnny and Ash, but also goes along with the other characters too (with no other pairings). So without any more chat, enjoy chapter one of "Home Sweet Home"!


Life had been a rollercoaster of a ride.

It had been a good 4 months since the big performance, and the grand "re"-opening of the New Moon theatre had been an old media topic for a few months now. Things settled slowly, but it seemed now the whole crew were back to reality, from the dream that was the events of the encore of the old Moon theatre.

It stood tall and proud, an old concept, but still a popular attraction of the main road it watched over. The black, starless sky soon met the thatched wood roof of the rebuilt modern entertainment hub, yet still the roof was adorned with a ginormous roman style clock, two bright gold plated hands both pointing to X. Animals of all shapes and sizes strolled the pavement, cars only just whisks of light speeding past the theatre. The three water stacks illuminated the scene in front of it, contributing to all the blinding lights of the street, stretching out of sight. Things wouldn't have this busy, if it wasn't for the weekly Saturday night activity spike. And a certain fuzzy grey koala adored it.

Buster Moon, showman and presenter 'extraordinaire', leaned out of the open window of his theatre office, enjoying the sight of the nightlife below. "Ah, this fresh coat of paint looks great on you" Buster let out a chuckle. Rubbing the slick white window frame surface, his furry paws gliding over it smoothly with ease, he became lost in his daze, the colourful lights in the black background gave him a moment to recollect his thoughts over the past many interesting months. 'Interesting' was a truly an understatement.

His great (completely original, never-done-before) idea, a singing competition, turned out in a way no single animal could have forethought. "Who wants to see another one of those" the sheep's response was quick and off-putting, but the koala knew for sure he knew what would draw in the audience. Mrs. Crawly, one of his oldest friends somehow still his oldest (and only) assistant, managed to screw up, and she screwed up bad. After all that auditioning, and his 'chosen few' lined up, they struggled to live the performs dream. Somehow, he'd then landed a visit from the diva herself, Noodleman, it was the biggest promise he'd ever had. And the squid lit stage, it was an architectural wonder! If only it had seen at least even 1 whole event. It was his fault in the end for the flood, and collapse of the theatre. His theatre, the theatre his loving dad struggled to buy for him. Now all he had left of it was the single bucket that his dad could have filled with his sweat and tears from the years of work, and memorabilia shot of the opening of the very building the years of work paid for.

Buster came back from his trip down memory lane, with a small thoughtful frown and swivelled in his chair from the window, facing the wall. It was pretty empty, save for two pictures and a bucket hanging from a nail. The first was a panoramic shot, showing the opening of the first Moon theatre. Below it, was framed the second, a similar shot with the theatre family, all gathered around the tape that had been freshly cut, re-starting the legacy of the predecessor. Under the two wide pictures, was the bucket that started it all. The bucket. It meant so much to Buster. It was in all fairness the piece that started it all. The koala swivelled back around, resuming his thought train that travelled through his past.

Buster was worthless, he had nothing. He lay flat on the airbed, pitying himself, when all of a sudden, there was a knock. with "Come on, Moon, you can't just hide out in your buddy's pool house" a certain recently heartbroken porcupine's voice rang out. That's what he had intended on doing at the time. He then shut them off, and was soon re-interrupted by an elephant this time. "This is my lot for life, that I'm not the guy that my dad wanted me to be, not by a million miles!" He shouted at the elephant, sending her away. He knew he still had to get a living some how.

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