Feelings and Thoughts

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A/N: Hey, I haven't really said anything in the last chapter, but thanks for reading this story! I appreciate the support, no matter what it is, even if its just a view, so thanks! This chapter is a bit of a filler really, and it isn't as long as it could be, but it will be followed up by a more important one, so don't worry! Anyway, Enjoy!


"We've been invited to tour the UK!"

Buster threw his short furry arms in the air, the way he usually does for his very often, and conclusively irrelevant announcements. But this wasn't one of those small announcements, it was one that needed time to sink in, and Buster was willing to be patient for a bit, but how many seconds was too many for the panic to hit?

Buster still kept his arms up, smiling, waiting, as agonising seconds passed.

Yet still the animals who sat around the table he stood upon were still unmoved, frozen in their still curious expressions.

Buster kept it up though, not letting the beaming expression leave his face.

The group had now started wearing shocked expressions, a few with their mouths open, but still, no noise.

It was getting really awkward, the dead air hung around them. Until...

"This is great, no!?" First to speak up was the now equally excited dazzling pig, in his German accent. Buster soon let out a sigh from his gaping, smiling mouth, as an understandably quiet cheering and applause ensued from the other 7 around him, being there were only these 7 contributing to the noise. "This is awesome!" "Cool, this sounds like fun!" "What a wonderful opportunity!" "We're world famous?!" Of course, that last one had to be from the egoistic mouse, who else would be so proud?

"I'm glad you're all okay with this great news, and I know it is a big shock, but I will let you guys take you're time and figure it out, and you can confirm whether you can make it whenever you want! Remember, there are fans out there, who want to see you stars!" Buster finished, and jumped off the table onto the ground, the drop quite high for him, so he rolled like a furball forward to soften the impact. As he lifted himself up, brushing himself off, he looked behind him, to see the group chatting amongst themselves behind him. He couldn't help the relieved smile he wore after seeing the reaction from the group.

As he was watching, a bright ray of light obstructed his view. He looked up, to see the same dazzling pig who spoke up (and saved Buster's 'bacon') earlier, who was wearing his bright expression as always. "Don't worry, Mr Moon, I will come for ze tour!" Gunter exclaimed, the first now to confirm too. "Ah, Gunter, don't you want to take a moment to think about it? It is a long trip, we might be gone for months." Buster asked. To be honest, no one really knew Gunter's story, he was quite an enigma. Did he have family? Did he have a girlfriend, or a wife? How old even was he? Buster did know the answer to the last though, although the pig definitely didn't look 31 as was given by his contestant sheet from the competition.

"It'z okay Mr Moon, I can put my life on hold for zis opportunity!" The pig said, punctuating the last wordt (his speech was constant exclamation to most others.) "Okay, that's great Gunter, I'll confirm you on my list." Buster left, looking for his clipboard and some other equipment. Gunter returned to the group, who were now standing around the table.

There was Meena and Mike, having a conversation, as one-sided as it was, and then there was Ash, Rosita and Johnny huddled around, talking excitedly about the trip. "I'm sure Nancy will throw a fit, but I gotta show the world I'm the best!" The little mouse gloated. "Nancy's gonna have to stay at home though, so I'll just have to be her foreign shopper, she's always wanted Ted Baker London." "How do you ever keep up with the bills?" Meena questioned Mike. "I would never put a price on my sweetheart's smile, I'd buy her anything to keep her happy." Mike answered, quite easily evading the subject originally put forward by the elephant.

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