Conformations and Consolation

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A/N (Pre-Chapter): Hey guys, I'm sorry if this story isn't really up and kicking with the pairing, but I promise it will soon, that's the entire point of the main part of this story, but for the meantime, please stay with me for the build-up to the trip.


Buster found himself back at the office, and he was anxious.

It was just yesterday, and Buster was getting antsy for the reply back from the tour group. Sure, he had left them hanging for a week, but he was the reacher here, with the singing group that's genre was as varied as the singers' backgrounds. He opened up his laptop again, and with that the mail application too. He needed to see that reply, or he wasn't going to be able to get any work done. Refreshing the load, he didn't expect it to be there anymore, he'd already checked his mail about 40 times yesterday. After adding another point to the check count, he went down backstage for some coffee.

As he bumbled down the stairs, he came across Mrs Crawly, who had been pulling her own load by carrying a huge stack of paperwork upon her frail, scaly arms. "Ah, Mrs Crawly, good morning to you!" Buster greeted, as he descended the last step and stood to the side as Mrs Crawly took the first step. "Hello, Mr Moon, how are you?" She replied, from behind the stack of papers that flowed above her face. She was now beginning to embark on her mission to carry these papers upstairs, now shaking under the immense load.

"Forget about me, Mrs Crawly, what are all these papers?" Buster asked, and then offered "Would you like some help?" as he stretched out his arms. An audible "Oof" was heard from the smaller koala, as a pile of papers landed on his arms, leaving Mrs Crawly's considerably shorter. "Thank you Mr Moon" was the gratitude Buster got from his secretary. They both began to head upstairs, Buster was going to miss his coffee, being an avid morning drinker himself. He could grab it later anyway, there was a bigger question bugging his mind.

"What are all these papers for Mrs Crawly?" Buster mustered out through pants of breath. This was seriously knackering him. "Oh, these are all the taxes for the last 3 months." "Ugh, I should have seen these coming..." Buster groaned the first part, and muttered last with an unintelligible curse under his heaving breath. Money was no longer the problem; Buster was much more well-funded after proving his worth the several months prior. But these were the first taxes for the new theatre, so it was going to be interesting to see how far the costs had come since.

Now at Mrs Crawly's desk, both animals dropped the flows of white sheets with a thud on to the polished oak wood desk surface, as Buster let out a grunt, with the desk being a bit higher than himself. "Thank you again, Mr Moon, I'll get these done as soon as possible." Mrs Crawly had now returned to her new leather office chair, and booted up the new, much more powerful PC. The well-funded part had definitely shone through here, and was the best thing to ever happen to the theatre. Buster began to head back toward his own office space, a spring in his step as he suddenly felt lighter without the load.

"Thank you Mrs Crawly, always doing a great job, just send me the final costs when you're done, I'll need to get them checked and paid. Also I've still got to send full details to the entire crew after I get the email too." Buster thanked Mrs Crawly once more as he pushed the door open and headed into his own office. The koala had devised a way to organise his own mind, a method he found befitted greatly. He would simply say his schedule out loud, and he found telling someone else helped even more. He had Mr Crawly for that too, and at sometimes she found this behaviour quite peculiar, as he seemed to talk to himself more that directly telling her, this was still a good way of communicating his work to her.

Buster got back to his laptop, and his eyes lit up to the sight of the email in his inbox. That coffee could wait, he needed to get on this. Double-clicking the mail, he began to read it:

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