Pasts and Talks (Part 1)

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Another one, Enjoy!


Vision blurry, a dark shade covered a scene, soon morphing into a coffee table, a messy carpeted floor and a small TV in the distance.

Johnny awoke to a room he couldn't recall, with an awful crick in his neck. "Arg..." he groaned, tilting his neck, only to yield a large 'click'. A few more times, in a couple of different directions, and he felt a little relieved. Only now his second, possibly most important priority. Where the hell was he?

His senses were now finally talking to him, and before him, it was clearly someone's living room. Messy too, with lots of electric music equipment. The walls were slightly moulding in the corners, an attribute that couldn't have been easily spotted under the walls' black paint cover. Standing up now, he noticed he was slightly out of place, everything seeming quite small to him. Stood among a mess on the floor, music sheets covered the carpet, not for him though, as they showed guitar riffs instead of staves. 2 appropriately small sized electric guitars, one base and another 6-string stood on the wall. Electric Guitars... he could hear it too, electric ones being played quite loudly, but it seemed like a recording. Hard, Loud riffs in the form of a rock song he couldn't recognise came from outside the room's door. Electric Guitars, Hard rock, loud riffs, messy living room, there was no doubt now...

He was in Ash's house.

As the realisation struck him, his eyes widened slightly. But still, that begged the next question. How did he get here? Then events of last night flooded his mind. A lift home, Ash crying about being lonely, then going into her house, and then...! He (basically in his mind) had slept with Ash! Johnny was visibly freaking out now, shocked expression on his face. They hardly knew anything about each other, and hadn't met in 4 months, yet last night they had gotten a bit too close. Well... way too close. It was the most awkward thought that could have graced his mind in a long while. He needed to at least apologise.

Stepping though the small door frame, minding his own head as he slightly crawled into the hallway, he remembered just how small this place was. How didn't he notice this yesterday? He must have been so full of himself, lost in Ash's presence. He did like her, she was pretty nice, and she did need a bit of TLC yesterday, so that was the only way he could justify his thoughts. Once again crawling into another doorway, this added him to the kitchen, the source of the loud rock. It was quite loud for the morning anyway. Ash now took his attention, as she jumped around to the song, holding a pan donned with a boiling fried egg on it. She noticed him and turned to him, ready to say something when Johnny blurted out first.

"Oh, Ash, I'm really sorry for staying here last night, I didn't mean to, and I'm really sorry for that awkward couch moment, I didn't..." Johnny's words dropped out his mouth, his face showing a nervous expression. Ash relaxed a little from a small jump that was Johnny's big stature in the kitchen with her. "Johnny, calm down, chill... I... appreciate it, even if it was a little awkward." Little, who was she kidding, not Johnny obviously. They slept next to each other, if only 2 hours prior they were still in Johnny's car. "Look, it was a little unplanned, but I wouldn't have let you go home that late, and... It was nice... having someone next to me after that hole for 4 months..." The last part she quietly mumbled, mainly confessing to herself, but Johnny still heard her anyway. Lance had tried complaining to her about his mistake for a solid 2 months after the concert, and even tried 'visiting' a couple times. The visits were just banging on her door, screaming phrases like 'take me back, babe.', 'come on, babe.', 'I made you who you are.' (this one got her to tears instantly the few times he'd said it, it really made her question herself), 'I left Becky for you too'. The last she knew was complete bullshit, she saw him with her only a month back. She would cry every time he came to her door, and was more than relieved when it ended abruptly two months ago. She guessed he finally got it to leave her alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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