Jealous Shouto Todoroki x Reader

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Jealous Shouto Todoroki x Reader

1.7k votes! Please let's make it to 2k that would be awesome 😭 This was a request! I've been doing a lot of Shouto oneshots I'm gonna give him a tiny break and focus on other characters. ^^ Might update again later today since I hate fireworks :>

You and Shouto had been a couple for a few months and in that time, you've seen how sweet of a person he is. He acted very monotonous around others but opened up to you. You've seen many sides of Shouto but you never thought that he'd have this particular side. ~~

U.A sparked with life as the lunch bell rang and hundreds of students flooded the hallway. In your opinion, if lunch were a class, you would have excelled in it unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Shouto waited for you outside your class and smiled when he saw you.

"Ready?" He asked.

You nodded your head and grabbed his hand. Together, the two of you walked to the cafeteria.

You sat with the trio Izuku, Ochako, and Iida with Shouto at your side.

You ate happily when you heard a fake cough from Izuku. You looked up and gave him a questioning look.

"Something wrong?" You asked.

Deku shook his head nervously. "No no it's just... Can we talk? Alone?"

You could practically feel his anxiety.

"Sure. Todo I'll be back okay?" You said patting Shouto's shoulder.

"Okay..." He said.

Watching you leave with Deku made him uneasy. He felt lonely without you by his side. He watched with a sad gaze as your figure grew more and more distant.

"Uraraka-kun... Do you feel like you don't exist in his presence?" Said Iida pointing at Shouto.

"Yeah... I don't think he cares too much for us..." She said sweat dropping.

"So what's up Deku?" You said, giving him his nickname.

The nervous wreck fiddled with his hands and looked up at you.

"Well you see... I like someone... And uh... I don't know how to tell them... I don't think they'll like me back, you see..." He said quietly.

Your eyes widened in surprise, you felt you knew who this person would be but you couldn't believe it.

"She's taking forever, don't you think?" Shouto said not looking at anyone in particular.

"Is he talking to us?" Whispered Ochako.

"I have no idea..." Replied Iida.

"Uh... I think (Y/n) is fine! She's with Deku-kun of all people! She'll be safe with him!" Ochako said reassuringly.

"Yeah Midoriya-kun is the kind of man that would talk to girls only when he has something really important to say! Is must be something serious." Iida said.

"Safe?! Important?! She should feel safe with me! Anything he has to tell her he can tell me too!" Shouto said while standing up abruptly.

Ochako squeaked in fear and Iida put his hands up over his face. Shouto ran out of the cafeteria in hopes of finding you.

What could he be telling her?? Why did it have to be in private?! Shouto grabbed his chest. He felt a pain that seemingly weighed him down. He didn't know what it was, but it sucked.

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