Inasa Yoarashi x Reader

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Inasa Yoarashi x Reader

Who could forget this iconic boy? He's so annoying I love him. Seeing him animated made me die and come back to life and we're gonna see him tomorrow aHhHh.
In other news, I got 666 followers a while ago and that was cool.

Shiketsu High.

U. A.'s rival.

Students from both schools wouldn't hesitate to battle it out if they ever came in contact. You didn't go to U.A. because you didn't pass the entrance exam but you eventually grew to hate the school. You saw in the sports festival that a parasite with purple balls for hair got admitted but not you.

The biggest factor to why you didn't get admitted was your quirk. It was 'possess' where you could enter a persons body momentarily and control their actions. This however, doesn't work on inanimate objects so defeating robots proved to be a challenge. You made the argument that you took them down using other people but it was hard to prove who you possessed.

You went to Shiketsu as an alternative. You worked your ass off the first year to improve your quirk and it paid off. Before, you could only control one person for about five minutes. Now, you could control up to ten people for twenty minutes. You could also maintain consciousness in your body while controlling others.

You worked hard to live up to the standards your school set out for you. Your classmates admired your hard work and greatly respected you.

During lunch, you left your group of friends to buy a drink from a vending machine. You approached it and saw that the rambunctious Inasa Yoarashi was there.

"Hey Inasa," You said happily.

He hummed and turned to you. He nearly jumped when he saw that you were the one greeting him. Truth be told, he had a crush on you because he loved how hard working and passionate you were about improving yourself and your quirk. It got his blood pumping to see someone so motivated.

He stared at you with wide eyes and just stood there for a while. You looked away and fidgeted because he didn't say anything. Just stared.

"So um... are you gonna get your drink?" You inquired.

He broke out of his daydream and his face boiled with embarrassment. He put his arms to his sides and did a dramatic bow. His head slamming against the cement and a loud apology.

You freaked out and told him to stand up. He had blood dripping from his forehead and he smiled.

"Inasa!! Are you okay? That was cement!!" You yelled.

You came closer to him and put both hands on his head. You brought him lower to your level since he was significantly taller than you. You examined his wound and thought about the quickest way to get to the nurses office.

Inasa on the other hand, was a blushing mess because his face was right in front of yours. He loved how you looked at him with concerned eyes and were saying things to him in reassurance.

"Inasa! Snap out of it! Let's go!" You said.

He froze and examined what you said out of context. He began to sweat.

"Go? Go where?" He asked nervously.

"To the nurse dummy. You think I'll let you walk around school with blood on your face?" You said while dragging him by the hand.

Maybe it was because girls usually avoided him, but Inasa felt insane by you just being there with him. His loud and energetic personality was put on hold when you were around him. It was painful but he knew that though you were the cause, you were also the solution.

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