Iida Tenya x Reader

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Iida Tenya x Reader

Iida used the suffix kun on EVERYONE okay so don't try to correct me cuz it's annoying

Due to spending the previous night binge watching your favorite anime, you felt dead beyond reason. The phrase 'just one more episode' had failed you. (This is literally my life)

At school, you sat at your desk with your hair going in all directions and half lidded eyes. Class had not started yet so you put your head down to rest a bit.

"(L/n)-kun! Do not disrespect our senpai's by putting your head down on the desk they used to get a proper education! You should be ashamed!" Yelled a voice you really didn't want to hear.

You merely turned your head to the side so you could see the person yelling at you, your classmate, Iida Tenya. He was flailing his arms around like Kermit the Frog.

"Shut up you muppet!" You said, sticking your tongue out. You could hear Denki and Kirishima snicker from your remark in the distance.

"M-muppet?! Insults will benefit neither you or me! And furthermore—"

You cut him off. "Shut upppp I'm tired!"

"Well I'm tired of your attitude!" He yelled.

You heard Denki and Kirishima "ooo" in the distance.

You got up and looked him in the eye. "Ya wanna go?"

"I wouldn't hit a girl," he said while adjusting his glasses.

"You little...!" You were held back by both Ochako and Izuku.

"(Y/n) pleeease calm down! The day just started!" Yelled Izuku.

"I kinda wanna see you kick his ass but we might get in trouble," said Ochako.

You calmed down and they let go. You were about to insult Iida again when Aizawa showed up.

"(L/n) quit flirting, I got a class to teach!" He said.

Your face burned from embarrassment and you took your seat next to Iida. The lecture was pretty boring so you scribbled in your notebook. The classes went by and soon enough it was lunch. When the bell rang you went off with Izuku, Ochako, and Iida to eat.

The four of you took a seat and you didn't even notice Iida was next to you. They began to talk about something and you dozed off.

"Hey Iida, are you a rich boy?" Ochako said suddenly.

You grew alert and choked on air from laughter and shock.

Iida then went on to rant about his older brother, the pro hero, Ingenium. You saw how happy he looked when he spoke of his brother and you felt happy for him. You smiled and dozed off again.

Ochako Pov:

After Iida gave a speech about his brother, (Y/n) fell asleep! She was leaning on Iida and he looked like he was gonna die.

At first, he called out to her softly to wake her up, but that didn't work. Next, he shook her gently and nothing happened. He lost it and yelled out her name while shaking her violently but she slid from his arm to his lap. Iida froze and so did Deku and I.

"W-what do we do?" Deku said nervously.

"Nothing's working... Hm. Push her to the floor Iida!" I yelled enthusiastically.

Iida looked down at (Y/n) and I swear I saw him smile.

"Guess we should leave her be. She did seem tired earlier," Iida said.

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