"She's way out of my league"

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"Is Ren your actual name?" David asked fiddling with the radio.

Ren sighed. "Yes Ren is my name. No, it's not short for anything. Yes, my parents gave me a boy name. Yes, I love my name. Have I answered all your questions?"

"Yeah, I'd say so. You must get asked a lot."

Ren only nodded at David. Happy that he wasn't asking anymore questions. She had a few questions herself but didn't really want to ask them. She didn't really want to know the answers.

David looked over at her and smiled. "Is this not annoying? My girlfriend would have freaked out by now."

Ren looked over at him and shrugged. "You have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, pretty hard to believe right? Especially the one I have. She's way out of my league."

That made Ren smile. That's what Jem used to say to her. That she was out of his league, when in reality he was way too good for her.

"I'm sure she is"

David scoffed but knew she was right. Liza was definitely out of his league. But for some reason she loved him and that made him feel good.

Ren interrupted his thoughts. "We're almost there if you want to tell me where I'm actually going."

"I'll put it in your GPS if you want?"

She simply nodded at him and he took her phone once again. He put in his address and once again looked at her wallpaper. She doesn't look as happy now. He thought. He wanted to invite her inside when they arrived so she could meet his friends. Maybe they could make her happy. Alex was single and maybe she needed someone new in her life. Wait David. You don't even know if that dude was her boyfriend. It could be anybody.

"You look like your having an argument in you head. Are you okay?" Ren asked

"Yeah" he said, "just thinking is all."

She chuckled. "Well don't hurt yourself buddy"

Ren kept driving until she reached the city. She unlocked her phone and looked at where she was supposed to be going. I hate city driving.
She thought. It's always congested and loud. It's the worst.

"So Ren, when we get to my place do you want to meet my friends?" David asked

She thought about it. Do I really want to get to know his friends? I prefer to be alone in all honesty. But David was nice enough. And he lived over an hour away so who was to say if Ren would ever see him again.

She sighed. "Yeah.. sure"

"I think you're going to love them. They're all pretty cool."

David looked at her for the first time in about 10 minutes. She looked distraught. Conflicted.

"Why were you there alone tonight?" David asked

"I'm there alone every night. I like to be alone."

David was once again confused by something Ren said. "Would you rather be alone right now?"

It took her awhile but she finally responded. Just a simple shake of her head is all he got as a  response. Why would the girl who likes to be alone, not want to be alone?

"It's not weird. I see the look your giving me. It's not weird." Ren wasn't even looking at him but she knew the look he was giving her. It was the same look everyone gave her when they found out she liked being alone. A look that said there was something wrong with her. A look she hated.

"I'm not saying it's weird. I just don't understand. And it's not right to call something you don't understand weird."

Once again David surprised her. She was getting used to him surprising her and she liked it.

"Maybe your girlfriend isn't that far out of your league after all Dobrik."

David smiled at her and gave her a slight nod. "But she is Ren, she most definitely is."

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