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"Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life." — Amy Poehler

Friends are that person without whom our life seems meaningless and impossible. Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another-"What you too? I thought no one but me." Friendship is the only ship that doesn't sink.

The four were best friends. They were each other's family. Each of them was fighting with their own demons from the past. Destiny bumps them together. They get to know each other, develop feelings for each other but an unfortunate incident strikes that change everyone's life. They were best friends who would do crazy things together, tussle for the last slice of pizza, and not even leave one chance to pull each other's leg. They were ready to sacrifice anything for each other. Really life is very strange as it took just one night to grow their friendship. They were happy but one incident scattered everything.

There are certain incidents in your life that shape you as a person and decide what course you would take in life. That incident was one of them. Life is like a road full of twists and turns and all you have to do is to ride in such a way that your close ones are safe.

At times of need, they stood with each other. After all, friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness. In happiness they demand parties.

Swara is a bold n carefree girl who believes that life is to be enjoyed to its fullest extent. She was free-spirited. She was a kind of spoiled brat of her parents. In her view life is to be lived today as there can be no tomorrow. She loved parties.

Ragini is an extreme feminist who believes that all boys are equal. She believes that they are cheaters. She hated being surrounded by boys. She was a strong girl building a firm of foundation with the bricks being thrown at her. Dreams meant the world to her.

Sanskar is full of life and passion. He is a bit sloppy. He likes to lead a life full of reckless fun. He is a party freak.

Laksh is cautious and reserved. He is a smart and witty boy. He has an extremely good sense of humor. He is always surrounded by girls but he wants a true love in his life. He too loved to party.

Swara, Ragini, Sanskar, and Laksh were soul mates. Soul mates are not only the person who is in a romantic relationship but also the person who loves each other.

It is rightly said- If you never had friends, you've never really lived.

Every one of them had different motives in their lives. Each one is different from the other. But one thing was common in them and that was the want for freedom. All four get along like a house on fire.

How did the four of them meet? How did their friendship develop into love? What was the incident which changed their lives?

Stay tuned to know more!

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