Twisted Destiny

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Hey Guys!! How are you all? I am very sorry for such a late update. Nowadays, I hardly get time to write. I think I'll post once a week.


Swara opened her eyes with much difficulty. She was stunned to see him. He looked back and then pushed her in and locked the door. Due to the effects of alcohol, everything was blurry to her. She couldn't understand what was happening.

"Virat, what are you doing here?" Swara asked in a drunken state.

Virat didn't say anything. He just clicked an offensive video of Swara. He remembered how Swara and Ragini had slapped him. They had crushed his ego. Today when he saw four of them enjoying themselves, he decided to teach them a lesson.

Back in the pub, Sanskar's intuition said that something was horribly wrong.

"Now you will see how it feels when someone hurts your ego," Virat said while walking out of the pub.

Swara managed to walk back.

"What were you doing so long?"Laksh asked.

"Vir...." before Swara could say anything she felt unconscious in Sanskar's arms.

Being worried four of them immediately left the pub. None of them were able to sleep peacefully that night.


"Laksh, get up," Ragini was shaking Laksh to wake him up.

Sanskar immediately opened his eyes as he sensed something wrong.

"What happened?" Sanskar asked out of fear.

Laksh too got up and rubbed his eyes.

"See this," Ragini forwarded her phone showing them a video clip.

Sanskar and Laksh were stunned to see that video. A beautiful innocent soul was being torn apart. The one who had always stood for right had been badly wronged. The video was of hardly 1 minute long of Virat kissing Swara.

"What the f**k," Sanskar screamed in anger.

"Sanskar, please calm down. I am hell worried. If Virat circulates this video?" Ragini said in tension.

"If Virat have sent you this video then he would definitely have sent it to Swara," Sanskar said.

"We have to delete it before Swara sees," Ragini suggested.

Three of them walked into Swara's room. But the door was open. Swara was not in the room. They searched the entire room but she was nowhere to be found.

"Where is Swara?" Ragini cried.

Soon three of them saw the door of the house was open and they concluded that she has seen the message and then went out somewhere. They decided to go out and search for her. One thing was proven that day, women were made to feel weak by name by men who have hurt their dignity and pride,hitting them where it hurts the most. Who is to blame? The man who makes her feel hopeless and weak by treating her like an object just because his ego is brushed. The girl allows him to make her feel hopeless by treating her like an object. Or a society that has always portrayed a girl as a weak, their honor an easy target.

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