Flowers? trees??

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As she gazed at the window which opened out to the outside world....
All she saw was light...
As far as she could see....
There was only light...
She wondered if there is anything beyond....

Her mindless thinking was brought to a halt...
By the sudden blabbering of her maid..
Her maid was more like a friend...
She has known her only for a while but she fills her silent days with a little bits of sound...
"Oh look, look at the new exquisite solitaire", she said..
Her maid was fascinated by them..
It's colour and it's shape..
It's beauty and it's shine..

You are so lucky, said the maid..
While I have to work ..
Always running from pillar to post..
All you have to do is wear such elegant clothes and be a lovely host..
Your duties as a princess seem so significant..
Your home so magnificent..
While mine so tiny and insignificant..
Surrounded by messy shrubs, tress and that strong flowery scent..

Shrubs?? Trees??
What are those??
Her mindless thoughts ran...
All she had ever seen was crystal glass and glimmering lights..
She wanted to know more..
"Tell me more about your home", said the princess.

Her maid frowned..
Home.. There is not much to say about my humble adobe in comparison to your home..
Our land is very far away from here..
It is surrounded by wild herbs, rivers and a few large tress...
My father runs around tending our cattle - sheep and goats..
My bed is not soft like yours, so sometimes, I lay on the grass under the open skies...
My neighbours tease me and laugh at my expense..

My home is not as magnificent as yours..
You are surrounded by crystal glass...
Always shimmering bright...
You have such a comfortable bed where you can lay all night..
All the beautiful jewellery..
All the fashionable attire..
You are amazingly beautiful..
You stay in this glorious crystal castle and have anything you command..
Oh how lucky you are...

The princess was left all alone at night..
She thought about her maid's home..
How lovely it was to know..
...under open skies..
Trees and Meadows..
It all sounded so wonderful..
She wanted to explore..
Oh how she wished her maid knew... How it felt to stay at the castle...
To be mindlessly trapped..

Mindlessly trapped princessWhere stories live. Discover now