Chapter 6

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Tylah was on a hill. She stared at the beautiful, shining stars. Her back against the grass of the hill, the lush green grass giving her comfort. The wind grew colder, Tylah felt the coldness, but it didn't bother her if that makes sense.On the top of her head were dog ear's, floppy ones, and she had to tails that had a star on each. Her beautiful eye's were no longer that warm orange but a Pale warm Green and light gold  with the reflection of stars. Her hair blew wildly in the wind, however her hair wasn't the same pastel pink either, they had changed like her eye's. Her hair was now a mixture of beautiful  shades of brown, Dark chocolate at the top, caramel in the middle and a light ginger at the very tips . She also had a crown with various of different flowers, most of them were red. She looked around and she saw up ahead, something that looked familiar.....but not. She got up and walked towards it. It was a ball of Blue light and it had....wing's? The light almost looked like blue fire dancing, the flames swishing at the wind. She stared at it in awe as she slowly raised a hand to touch it. When she did this, nothing happened, she couldn't feel anything, as if nothing was there, it just passed through it. When she pulled her hand out is felt a little damp. She looked at the blue thing in curiosity, she reached to touch it again...but she was met with darkness.





Tylah's POV

I felt myself jolt awake at the sound of the voice. I opened my eye's tiredly, meeting familiar icy blue one's. "Hey sis" Zen said, smiling softly while he stared at me. I yawned and sat up, stretching my arms, before flopping back down again, nuzzling the pillow. "Oh no you don't!" Zen said as he picked me up "Time to wake up" I yawned and looked at him with tired eye's "But it's too eaaaaaaaaaaaaaarly" I wined as i pouted "Tylah it's two in the afternoon!" He yelled. I grumbled a little under my breath. I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled his chest. "But Zeeeeeeeeeeeen" I wined again."No but's" He said as he carried me down the stairs. In the kitchen was Shade with a glass of orange juice, he sipped it before looking at me smiling. "Morning Ty" He greeted, smirking a little. I groaned at the nickname 'He knows i hate it when he calls me that' I thought as i give him a playful glare. Zen chuckled, then i started to giggle. I got down from Zen and gave Shade a hug, warping my arms around his waist. I felt him return the hug, i smiled happily. I stole a quick glace at Zen, and he had a sight scowl on his face and his eyes were sightly darker then usual. I shrugged this off, as this sometimes happens, the same with Shade.  I pulled away and went in the fridge and pulled out a carton of milk and placed it on the kitchen bench.

I closed the fridge and i went for the shelf, reaching for a glass. I was still a little too short to reach it and i grumbled in frustration. I saw a hand reach up and garb a glass, handing (Get it?)  it to me. I grabbed it, muttering a small 'Thank you' and going to the milk again, pouring it and putting it away. I grabbed my glass and took a few gulps before putting it down, already finishing it. I put the glass in the sink before stretching more.

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