Trick or Treat! (Special)

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This is a 200 hundred view special! This means a lot since most people like fan fiction and not really original stories. so every 200 views this gets i will do a special chapter, depending what coming up or if its near a holiday. since Halloween is coming pretty soon i decided to do it Halloween themed! Enjoy~

"Tylah hurry up in there" Yelled Zen from the other side of the bathroom door. He grumbled impatiently and crosses put one of his hands on his hip, the other holding a Vampire custom. "Just wait a minute!" Came Tylah's muffled yell from the bathroom, Zen groaned. Shade came up the stairs, Alex following him. Shade smirked and chuckled. "I told you that you should get dressed before Tylah got Dressed. She takes forever doing her hair and makeup, you should know this would happen" He said as he leaned against the wall. Alex tilted his head in confusion."Hey, you guys talk about your sister all the time, when can i meet her?". The two siblings look at Alex before the door opened "Done~" Sang a voice. The trio turned their heads to the voice and their jaws dropped to the floor.

There in the door way was Tylah. She had a black dress on, the skirt part of it was white and it had black carrots on each flannel. The shirt part of it was a very dark grey and had a single white carrot in the middle of it. It had a fishnet thing that went around her neck. The dress was just above her knees. She had a jet black hat and some black boots. She also had eye liner around her eyes. Her hair was slightly curled and the tips of her eyes were dyed green, to match the Halloween theme.  The dress hugged her curves and they lined them out so clearly. She walked out of the door way, carrying her broom that had a jack-o-lantern at the end. "I told you i would only be a minute" She huffed as she walked past Zen and down the stairs.


".......Dude.......Your sister is hot!"



Tylah waited impatiently by the door. She was tapping her foot on the ground and she had her arms crossed. She heard the door bell ring and she opened it. She saw Wolf and Spirit. Spirit was dressed up as a zombie and Wolf was a.......Thing. She smiled at them and put her broom down. Wolf ears lowered as they realized what was gonna happen "Tylah no-" They was cut off as she was tackled to the ground by Tylah. "Tylah nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu your gonna get ruined" Wolf wined trying to pray the girl off. "Tylah Spirit wants a hug!" Wolf huffed. Tylah quickly zoomed over to Spirit, giving her a tight squeeze. Spirit stared to turn blue, if it wasn't for Zen coming out of the door, she probably would of actually become a zombie. Zen and Shade were in a classic Vampire outfits and Alex was in a Butler one. "Okay, Tylah that's enough, let's start Trick-or-Treating" He said. Tylah giggled and started to skip away from the group." H-hey Tylah not to far!" Shade yelled as he run over to her and grabbed her hand into his large one. Zen growled and ran over, doing the same. " I swear they have a crush on her...." Wolf muttered as he stared at them "Wait aren't they like siblings" Alex asked wolf. "Oh yeah, a bunny and two wolves are siblings.......No you idiot shes adopted!" Wolf yelled at him as they started to walk to the trio, with spirit following.

*Time skip brought to you by a Tylah!*

The group went around the whole neighborhood, collecting candy, wolf not o much since she didn't really get the point on doing so, but hey, free food is free food. They were gonna go to a party but since Tylah wanted to go home early to watch some horror movies. They all did that at The trios house. Half way through the first movie Tylah already fell asleep. On Shade's lap. The other decided to go to sleep after 3 more. In the morning Tylah, Shade and Zen's parents found them. They decided to take a photo. A picture of them in a dog pile. Shade and Zen at the bottom, Wolf and Spirit laying cross ways on them, Alex on top of them and last but not least Tylah, curled into a ball with a blanket around her. It was a Halloween to remember.......  

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