Chapter 1~ the letter

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It's been 2 weeks now since I sent in my request to join Foxwood's annual rider challenge, my dad wants nothing more than for me to be happy and he knows how much it would it mean to me if I were to become a sponsored rider there, fingers crossed.

I sit down at the table, head down and my right hand twirling my spaghetti between my fork. I let out a sigh but try to hide the disappointment from my dad, it doesn't work.

"What's wrong May?", he says while scratching his head.

"Nothing." I lied. And what's worse is he knows I'm lying and he knows exactly why I'm sad.

"There's something I've been wanting to talk to you about" a smile shoots across his face as he reaches down to the floor to pick something up.

I wipe my hair behind my ear and look up, my dad grins even wider and places a small white envelope on the table.

I don't even hesitate to snatch the envelope and rip it open, my eyes glowing and my heart racing.

I open the note and read aloud;

Dear miss Mayla Greene,

We have taken into consideration your entry for this year's rider challenge and have finally decided to offer you a place among the 23 other young riders, please come to the Foxwood riding academy on the 10th of July with all your gear and this letter. We look forward to meeting you and wish you good luck!

Yours sincerely, Paris Lee.

I cry with joy while launching from my seat and hugging my dad, my heart races even more and tears stroll down my cheeks, then it hits me.

"Dad." I say with a blank face.

My father who is still grinning replies, "What is it May?" He almost loses his smile completely.

"Tomorrow is the 10th of July!" I shriek and scramble up the small apartment's stairs to pack.

My dad just laughs while standing and collecting the dishes.


"Okay I have all my breeches and pollo shirts as well as long socks and singlets." I nervously attempt to pack everything. I grab some extra clothes as well as my phone and some notebooks to do study while away.

After almost five minutes of packing I have absolutely everything except one set of clothes for tomorrow's three hour drive and my stable boots. I run to brush my teeth and hop into bed when I hear footsteps.

The door creaks open and I see a tall figure, "night dad!"

"Night May, up at 5am please", he replies and walks out closing the door behind him.

Ok guys really short chapter but it's basically just to fill in the start because the next one is going to be huge.
-464 words

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