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the beautiful King residence, and the beautiful King pool


I opened the door to the King residence, smiling when the boys ran towards me with open arms.

"Hi, loves!" I greeted, picking them both up with a squeeze.

"Ah, mi amor, I missed you!" Josiah exclaimed, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"I missed you too, amor! And you better give me a beso as well, Freddy."

He planted one on my cheek and I just smiled, hugging them tightly.

I was shocked, though, when I saw Mateo walking through the hallway, buttoning up his shirt. He walked into the living area and finished buttoning up his shirt, sliding his belt through the loops of his jeans. As soon as he looked up, he left his belt alone and smiled. "Well, hola, ángel."

I just smiled an uncomfortable smile and put the boys down, my eyebrows knitted together. "Alessandra's here, right?"

"Si," he answered, sitting down on the couch to slip into his shoes.

I just nodded and bit down on my bottom lip. It was a bit strange that he was half naked walking through the house, but I quickly brushed it off. Maybe he was staying over for a few days.

"Adiós, tio Mateo," the boys said, giving their uncle a fist bump.

"Adiós, sobrinos, volveré pronto."

I just smiled as he stood up, walking over to me. "I expect to see you again."

He grabbed my hand and planted a kiss to the surface, making me just look down uncomfortably. Alessandra walked in the living area and looked as expressionless as she could, her eyes glued to Mateo and I.

She walked up behind him and he wrapped an arm around her waist, and she pressed a kiss to both of his cheeks. It was common for Spanish women to kiss and love on people frequently, but she wasn't Spanish. Maybe it was just a family tradition, which was a bit odd but I'd learned to keep my questioning to a minimum.

"We'll see you soon, come back whenever you feel, Mateo."

Mateo grabbed his bags from beside the door and smiled. "I will. Tell my brother that I'll be back."

Alessandra shot him the most charming smile and he opened the door, exiting the house. My eyes followed Alessandra as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed her Louis Vuitton purse, sliding her sunglasses on her face. "If you need me, you know where to find me."

She pressed kisses to the boys' cheeks and shot me a glance. "You know what they eat, Santiago won't be long. You can leave when he gets here."

"Okay," I said, sitting down in a stool. I tapped her wrist lightly before she left and she shot me a glare.


"Would you mind if I took the boys swimming? I figured it would be fun for them since you can change the temperature of the outside one-"

"As long as you don't let them drown, you do whatever you want."

She grabbed her keys and blew kisses to the boys before opening the door, slamming it shut.

"So, mi amor, what are we doing today?"

"Whatever you want to do. I do have an idea, though," I sang, pulling the boys into my lap.

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