
23 4 8

I got in my car and was on my way home, but I kept seeing this weird range rover following me. I was sorta scared, actually... I was REALLY scared. I put my left turn signal to show that I was turning left and so did they. I wasn't fully sure if this person in the car was following me or not, I think they are just going the same route that I am, but than I put my turn signal to right and they also did the same. I decided to just go the long way and go straight but they followed me again! Once it was a red light again, I looked to my front view mirror and noticed a strangely familiar set of brown curls.


What the heck is he following me for?

I decided that I wanted to go to 7-eleven before I went home to go pick up some snacks. I made a right turn to 7-eleven and the black range rover just went straight. Wow I think I'm delusional. That car wasn't even following me, what the heck was I thinking? I stepped into 7-eleven and noticed some really anxious looking teenagers around my age. That made me nervous, because they kind of looked bad ass like Harry. Oh my gosh, why am I thinking of harry when there are like 3 people who look like they are going to rob this 7-eleven. I just wanted to get my Arizona and leave as fast as I could.

Once I opened the refrigerator, I didn't have enough time until I saw the teens waving a gun around. I was scared out of my mind! I have never been in a situation like this before. I ducked down to one of the aisles so they couldn't see me. I really wish I brought my phone with me so I could call 911. After a few seconds I looked over to see what they were doing and they were smacked to the ground by ... Harry.

He was screaming at them for doing such a thing and I think the one he was yelling at was named Niall . The reason I knew his name was because I heard the word Niall somewhere in there when harry was yelling...Wait, does harry know these awful people? Why would he hangout with them? I heard footsteps coming closer to me and I just kinda prayed that something bad wouldn't happen.

"Hazel, where are you?"

How did he know I was here? I slowly stood up and looked into those green eyes with hope that he wouldn't rape me or something like that. Instead, he just gave me a concern look and asked "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, but you clearly don't look okay, I mean your lip is bleeding" I replied

"Nah, its nothing."

"No it is not! Where is the bathroom?"

"I SAID I'M FINE, I DON'T NEED YOU TO BABY ME!!" he harshly said to me

I was kind of taken back by his sudden out burst of anger, so I just replied "Alright, I was just trying to help...sorry."

He did a really loud moan of frustration and said "Ugh, no I'm sorry I don't know why I yelled at you, I just like to do things for myself. Ya know?"

No I do not know!

I didn't want to be rude so I just agreed "Yeah, totally."

It started to get awkward and quiet because we were the only ones in 7-eleven, due to all of the others running out with fear.

I broke the silence by thanking him but he said that he would always be there when I needed him. I was sorta confused when he said that he was always there for me but I let it slide...What I didn't let slide was the fact that I still don't know why he was following me. 

I was about to get in my car when harry tapped my shoulder. 

"I was wondering, since I saved your life and gave you my lucky pencil that you could reconsider going on a date with me?"

I thought about it for a while and decided to say yes, I mean how bad can it be?

On my way home from that horrid accident, I had one thing on my mind. 


There was something about him, something that felt off and I had to know. Ever since I was little my parents always told me that I was a really sneaky little girl with a curious mind that had to know evrything. That's probably why I want to find out about Harry and his friends. I decided that I was going to find out on me and Harry's so call 'Date'.

Plan A: Ask questions that will relate to the actual answers I want.

Plan B: Sneak a glimse at his texts (I know this is risky, but I need to know what him and his friends are talking about).

Plan C: Just straight up ask.

[Authors note: I know it's really stereotypical for the guy to save the girl and blah blah blah. Just think about the fact that Harry followed her, Creepy much? Anyways, there are reasons and I promise it will get so much more interesting because Harry is keeping a secret that could risk his own life...REMEMBER TO VOTE]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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