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February 28

It was a dark and cold evening. Storm clouds threatened to rain down any second.

Along the dead of night, there stood a large mansion that was filled with colourful decorations and bright lights.

And in that mansion, a young boy was happily running around with his toys. Excitement and glee evident in his eyes.

"Happy birthday to me!! Nanny! Nanny! Guess how old I am now! 5! I'm 5 years old!"  He cheerfully said to his Nanny, who was busy putting up the remaining decorations.

She looked at the little boy tugging her skirt and stopped working for a while.

"Oh, are you now? I think you're still 2." She ruffles his hair playfully and he pouts.

"No! I'm big now! Look!" He tiptoes and reached for his head, showing her how tall he's gotten.

She chuckles.

"Shaun! Where are you, honey?" A woman's soft voice calls out from the other side of the room.

The little boy turns to the direction of the voice and scurries off with his tiny legs. "I'm here, mommy!"

The nanny watches the boy leaves and silently goes back to work.

In the kitchen, a beautiful middle-aged woman busies herself with cooking and baking. The stoves, filled with empty pans and the oven, currently baking a batch of muffins.

"Mommy! You called?" The little boy peeks into the kitchen.

The woman, who had just finished making the main dishes, looks at the boy and smiles gently, "I need someone to taste the food I made. Will you help mommy?"

His little round eyes light up in delight, "Yes! Yes! I'll help!"

He walks to his mother's side and sits up on the chair next to her.

She giggles at her son's enthusiastic reply and reaches to get a plate with a small portion of meat.

"It's still a bit hot so be careful okay?" She takes a small piece using a fork and turns to the little boy, mouth already wide open, nodding.

She feeds him the meat and he happily eats what his mom gives him.

"Hmm...Yummy!" He exclaimed.

"Really? I'm glad." She smiles. "Do you think daddy will like it?"

"Yes! Daddy likes mommy's food the best" He replied with a big smile.

Hearing this, she couldn't help but give him a big smile as well.

"Alright then, we better get you ready. It's your birthday party after all." She reaches to pick him up and he happily clings to her.

After waiting a while to take out the batch of muffins, they both make their way to their bedroom and pick out a suit for the birthday boy.

Not long after, a large man enters the room with a large gift in his hands.

"Hey hey heeeeey, who's ready for some presents?" He exclaims.

"Daddy!" The little boy jumped into his father's arms. "Is that for me? Gimme! Gimme!"

"Daddy spent the whole day making sure to get you the perfect present..." He was about to give it to him when...

"Oh no, you don't." The woman takes the gift away from her husband's hand  before he could give it to him. "No presents until you blow your candles, honey."

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