Chapter 2

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New school, new life!

This is my first day in Princeton Academy. I haven't even made a single friend yet. It's like their avoiding me. Maybe its because I come from a poor family.....Oh well! no use in thinking of that all day..

The lunch bell already rang and I'm on my way to the cafeteria. Once I got my food, I looked for somewhere to sit. But there weren't any.

At times like this, I really wish Clyde were here. He's my best friend. He would always find a way for us to sit when there were no seats available. We've been best friends since pre-school. And the funny thing is, that we have the same birthday. It was really a bummer when I found out that Clyde wasn't offered a scholarship, given that he's a lot smarter than I am. I really thought that we were going to Princeton Academy together but....maybe it just wasn't meant to be. I wanted to sacrifice my scholarship 'cause school's just not the same without Clyde around, but he stopped me. He said it was a great opportunity for me and that not all people get a scholarship to the most amazing Academy ever, so I ended up accepting the scholarship.

While I was daydreaming, I didn't notice someone coming towards my direction. I bumped into him absent-mindedly and spilled my soft-drink all over him.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" I said, wiping off some soft-drink in his uniform, hoping that he would be nice enough to forgive me, but unfortunately I was wrong.

"Watch were you're going, you klutz!" he screamed, wiping his uniform.

"Hey, I said I was sorry, didn't I?" I said, slightly irritated.

"Sorry doesn't pay for the shirt I'm wearing." then he walked away.

Wha— the nerve!

I might not have made a friend, but I think I made an enemy. And Mr. Grumpy's the winner!


After what happened in the cafeteria, I decided to go to the garden and eat my lunch there. Good thing not a lot of students go to the garden, now I can eat . Finally!

While I was eating, I noticed someone staring at me. But when I turned to see who it was, he quickly turned away.


When I was done with my lunch, someone poked at the back. To my surprise, he was the weird guy who was staring at me earlier. And I have got to say, he's kinda cute up close.

"'re new here aren't you?" he asked nicely.

"Yes. I am" I replied with a smile, my dimple involuntarily showing.

"I noticed you were alone..I'm guessing you haven't made any friends yet?" he said.

"Yup. I think its because I'm just a scholar here and I'm not that rich either. It doesn't really bother me though." I said, still smiling.

"Well then, let me be your first friend." he said, reaching out his hand. "I'm Daniel. Nice to meet you!"

"I'm Maysie. Nice to meet you too!" I said, shaking his hand. I have a feeling, were going to have a good friendship in our hands.

He's really nice and very friendly. I'm starting to like him already.

After chatting with Daniel for a while, I decided it was time to go back to my classroom. Daniel offered to walk me there. So naturally, I said yes. Turns out, we have a lot in common.

While we were walking, I saw a familiar figure talking to a really pretty girl with blonde hair.

When we got closer, the figure was mr. grumpy. It looked like they were having a fight.

I didn't want to intrude, so we just passed by and avoided eye-contact.

Once we were past them, I looked back once more and saw the girl slap his face while crying very hard. Mr. grumpy didn't show any sign of emotion at all. He just walked away leaving the poor girl crying in her knees.

Now thats what I call " A cold-hearted prince".

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