Hi again

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Hello my loves, it's been a while. I just wanted to update you and thank you guys. I' not sure how long it has been since I updated, but it's been a very long time. I am happy to say that I will be majoring in music industry studies at Loyola University in New Orleans this fall! I am unbelievably excited and I am ready for this change. If any of you guys have questions about high school and college(or anything tbh) please feel free to ask. I am always here for you. If you want to contact me/keep up with my adventures feel free to follow my instagram isabel.geelan. 

I want to thank everyone who has just been finding this book. I left this book with 12K reads, and now I am almost at 20K reads. I truly can not believe that so many people care about what I have to say and actually take my advice. Thank you for reading, commenting, and asking questions. 

I also wanted to say that a lot of my opinions about bands/genres/people related/dating band members/concerts has changed. So please please please please do not take everything I sat 110% seriously and know that I wrote the majority of this book when I was 15/16. 

Sooooo I guess that's it. There may or may not be one last chapter posted after this, so keep your eyes open! I love you lots and have a wonderful day. 


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