Warped Tour 101: How To Survive The Day

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Okay so you're at Warped Tour and you're ready to see some bands, get some free stuff, and have the best day ever. It's your first year there at you're not 100% on what to do and how to survive the day. That's where I come in. Here are so big tips and tricks on how to survive a day at Warped Tour.


Warped Tour is a HUGE festival with tons of people. Bring at least one or two people with you so that you are never alone. If you are going with a big group use the "buddy" system so you don't get lost. Especially if it is your first year going you definitely want to be with someone.


PLEASE DRINK WATER. PLEASE DRINK WATER. DRINK ALL OF THE WATER. IDC IF YOU HAVE TO USE THE BATHROOM DURING YOUR FAVORITE BANDS SET JUST DRINK WATER SO YOU DON'T PASS OUT. Please drink water. Seriously. They have free water bottle re-fill stations, they allow you to bring one unopened water bottle, and you can buy water from stands. Water first. Okay guys.


Usually non-profits or clothing lines that wanna get some free promo hand out free stuff at warped tour. On a lot of their instagrams they will post "first 100 people at the tent get a free t-shirt" or "say a certain word and get a free sticker". Sometimes up and coming bands hand out free bracelets or CDs to promote themselves.


Okay this is about to get a lil serious, girls, boys, anyone in-between, be careful. Don't take drinks from anyone, don't take drugs from anyone, and don't go off with a stranger. If someone says that they can get you backstage they are most likely lying. If someone says that if you follow them you can meet Andy Biersack, they are probably lying. Watch out for you and your friends. People can easily go missing or get taken away by a creep. Just be careful homies.


GA crowds are bad enough but at Warped they are just a little bit more rowdy since it's outdoors and everyone is sweating like crazy. The pits will be a little harder, there will be a few more crowd surfers, and a circle pit could pop up anywhere. If you aren't comfortable with any of those things stay in the back. You'll still be able to see your favorite band and hear them loud and clear. If you're in the crowd don't be a dick to everyone around you. Chances are there's a 14 year old girl who somehow got mixed up in the pit while trying to see her heroes live. Just be careful and take care of yourself. If you see someone fall help them up. If someone is lost try to help them the best you can. Just be nice and stay safe out there.


Besides keeping yourself safe keep your stuff safe too. Make sure that you always have your bag with you and don't leave it on the ground. Bring a small wallet with you. Don't just throw your cash in your pocket. If you go up crowd surfing have a friend hold your phone for you so you don't lose it. Don't bring anything that is super valuable like nice sunglasses, jewelry, or stuff like that.


Warped is hella packed and the lines to get food are SO long. I waited FOREVER for my dad to get food and I ended up missing We Are The In Crowd. It is so much easier to bring your own food and snacks. It's really easy to sneak stuff into Warped. If people can bring their own drugs you can bring your own sandwich.


Warped Tour is VERY hot and you will be walking A LOT so please take some breaks. Sit down, have some water, and eat some snacks. Just take care of yourself. Apply sunscreen after each set and have some water. I don't want you guys passing out or anything.


So you don't have to get to Warped 5 hours early but I would get there before doors open. Once doors open get to the bands tents so you can meet them or run to main stage so you can get barricade. Try to get to a bands set early so you can get a good spot since everyone will be rushing towards the stage.


At the end of the days it's all about enjoying yourself. Have the best time dancing to your favorite bands and spending the day with your friends. Just have fun, be yourself, and go crazy. Warped Tour is an amazing festival that brings different people together for the same reason. Make this the best year yet!

So yeah those are some of my tips on how to survive a day at Warped. I'm going to the Hartford date and the Mansfield date. If you're going to any of those dates let's meet up! I wanna say hi!

Comment your Warped date, any memories for Warped, and your survival tips.

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