Hobi & Lily

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Age 6/7
"Hana dul set...ready or not here I come." Hobi said as he was leaning on a tree covering his eyes. I was hiding under a park bench. Hobi was running around the park. He stopped before he got to the bench. I saw him and started running back to the tree since I knew he saw me. "I'm faster than you." he said as he was about to touch me. Suddenly I tripped and fell, Hobi then tripped over me and also fell. "That doesn't count, I tripped." I said and began to pout. "HOSEOK, MAYLI....TIME TO GO!" we heard Hobi's eomma call us. He got up and then helped me to my feet. Mrs. Jung walked me home and then her and Hobi went home next door.

Age 12/13
"Come here, it's going to be ok Lily. I'll always be here for you. Forever!" Hobi said to me as I cried my eyes out on his chest. I couldn't say anything, if I did he couldn't make it out because I was crying so hard. "You can stay with me tonight, if your dad says it's ok." he said as he pulled me away to look at him. "We need to get going it's dark now." he said and then helped me stand up from the park bench. We arrived at this house. He grabbed me some of his clothes and I went to the bathroom to get dressed. I looked in the mirror. I looked horrible. My eyes were red and swollen from the tears. "Are you ok Lily?" Hobi asked from the outside of the bathroom door. "Ani, I don't..." before I could finish, he opened the door. "I miss her Hobi! I need her! Why did she have to die, Hobi?" I began to crumble again.

Age 16/17
I'm so scared. I sat on the park bench with tears rolling down my cheeks. I pulled out my phone and called my Hobi-oppa, my best friend.
Hobi- "Lily, hello!"
Lily- "I'm so scared."
Hobi- "Where are you?"
Lily- "At the park."
Hobi- "Don't move I'll be there soon."
I hung up and bought my knees to my chest and held them tight. A few minutes later Hobi showed up and sat beside me and wrapped his arms around me. "What happen Lily?" he asked. "Baehyun." was all I said. He automatically lifted my head up. "What did he do?" he asked. He got my head lifted up and I looked at him. "That son of a b@*&#! Where is he?" he said loudly as he saw the black eye and busted lip I had. I began to cry uncontrollably. He turned me around and wrapped his arms around me. "I will take care of him for you. Promise me you will never talk to him or see him again." he said as he wiped my tears away. "I promise." I responded.

A year later
Hobi finally got discovered and his street dancing paid off. He told me he is now part of a group and he is a rapper. I laughed a little bit when he told me the rapper part. I never really heard him rap before, dance yes. I went to a lot of his dance battles. I will be graduating soon from high school. So glad, so I can get away from this place. If Hobi will not be here, then I don't have anything here for me either. My phone started to vibrate and Hobi's photo showed up.
Lily- "Hello"
Hobi- "Want to meet my band mates?"
Lily-  "Well yeah"
Hobi-  "Ok cool"
Lily-  "When?"
Hobi-  "Now come over"
He hung up and I went to change my clothes. After Baehyun I stop dressing girly and began dressing more boyish. He made me afraid to be myself. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a basketball jersey, and my black beanie. At the door I slipped on my black combat boots and headed next door.

(Hobi's POV)

Lily knocked on the door. I got up from the couch and walked to the door to let her in. She is my best friend so I want her to meet my band members, since I will be with them a lot. I opened the door and saw her standing there in another boyish outfit. I miss her being girly. I hate Baehyun for what he did to her. "Yah Lily come in. I can't wait for you to meet the guys." I told her as she stepped in and I closed the door. "Hi oppa!" she said as she hugged me. We walked into the living room. "Yah guys this is my best friend Park May-Li. I call her Lily." I induced her to them. "I'm Kim Nam-Joon, I'm the leader. My stage name is Rap Monster." he said and shook her hand. "Hello. I'm Kim Seok-Jin and I'm the eldest." he said and also shook her hand. "I'm Jeon Jung-Kook and well I'm the golden maknae." he said and shook her hand. "Park Ji-Min, the cutest." he said with a smile on his face. "ANI! Backoff Jimin!" I told him. "I'm Tae-Hyung, it's nice to meet you." he said and shook her hand. "Hello, I'm the Min Yoon-Gi, the genius of the group." he said and shook her hand, but wait did she just chuckle at him. I looked over at Lily and her cheeks were red. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the kitchen. "Do you like Suga?" I asked her. "Who?" she responded looking confused. "Oh sorry that's his stage name. Yoongi!" I replied. "Oh ANI..ani...of course not." she responded, but her cheeks turned red again. "YOU DO!!! ANI! You can not like him or any of them. I don't know them that well yet and I have to protect you. So stop! I forbid you too." I said with the most serious face ever. "Ne oppa!" she replied. We went back into the living room and decided to watch a movie.

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