Chapter 3: Daigon Alley

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AN: Hey it's me sorry I haven't updated in a while.  I have been moving and had to set up my room. So am back and now on with the story!!!!

Everglades Pov

After all that drama with McGonigal  (Is it right ?) and my friend also going to Hogwarts. I decided to relax and wait for the next day, THE TRIP TO DIAGON ALLEY. 

So the next day.....

I woke up quickly changed clothes, rushed down and saw that Jessica was already there ready to go.

"Hey Jess"
"Ya eve "
Are you ready "
"Ya I am are you "
"Ya just need breakfast "

After that little conversation, I asked the house cook to cook me a fried egg. I was just too excited about getting a wand ... I wonder what spells I will learn. After daydreaming the cook gave me my fried egg and I ate.

A while waiting for a man called Hagrid, a knock came on the door. 
Jessica went to answer it and saw a mini giant.  Squeezing through the doors he said :

"Anyone ere called Everglade and Jessica."

"We are Jessica and Everglade." We both said together

"Well then  follow 'e, My name is Hagrid Gamekeeper of  'ogwarts."

Before following them we said bye to our parents and followed him off to London.

After 30 minutes of leaving the packed house, I asked

"Hagrid where in London are we going to buy school supplies for a magic school?"

"Well if you know the right place to go "
After that, he pointed to a shop, so hard to see that he had to look very close to even see it. It was called the leaky cauldron.

Entering the shop we saw it bustling with people, kind of like an inn. Entering a woman called to Hagrid.
"Your regular"

"Naw  Hogwarts business got to deliver these 2 young girls Hogwarts stuff."

After that, we walked to the back and he took out a weird umbrella and said
"This, then this and finally this way"
While talking like that he
Tapped his umbrella on the bricks and it magically opens up to show an Alley full with people.
"Welcome to Diagon Alley," Hagrid said. 

Diagon Alley was a street full witches and wizards walking with items and on the side shops, i dreamed of.  Magic book shop, Broomstick shops and the thing I was excited about the most Wand shop.

Walking to the big crowd Hagrid said First to head to Gringotts the Wizarding bank filled with a creature called Goblins.  When we entered he we awed in wonder. Gringgots looked so beautiful with the goblins working. While we awed at everything we noticed Hagrid had walked to a goblin without us so we quickly ran to him when we heard him saying for the goblin to give the vault. So he gave the key and then this happened.

" Minne come show Miss Myth to her vault," Said the Goblin Hagrid talked to

" Then a girly looking goblin came to us showed us to a mine cart. So being the polite person I am I said " Hi Minne my name is Everglade how are you"

"Well I am fine miss, well we are almost there so get ready to get off." The goblin replied

So like the goblin said while we were talking we had literally arrived in front of a big vault with the numbers 2020. Assuming that was my vault we walked towards it. When we reached the doors of the gigantic vault Minne walked towards it and unlocked the door, what lay behind the door was a big pile of money. So as I was shown the money I shoved the some of the money in a big purple bag I took in me to hold my things in.  While grabbing all the money Hagrid started explaining the money. 

" So all the bronze coins are knuts. Then the silver coins are sickles, so 29, knuts are 1 sickle. Then finally the gold coins are a galleon, so then 17 sickles are 1 gallon. And that's all the wizardry money." After grabbed enough money for my supplies we headed out of towards the robe shop. Hagrid stayed out as all the cart journeys make him feel sick.

So as I and Jessica entered the bells jingle and we saw many people all different ages trying different robes to get the right size. Then out of nowhere a lady came to us and said: " New to Hogwarts eh." We nodded " Well come with me then time to get your robes." Then the lady dragged us inside and told us to try some robes. So after waiting a long time trying different robes and other clothing set for Hogwarts we finally left MadamMalkins robe shop we headed towards the book shop to collect our books.



Hey, guys, it meee

So same thing sorry for the long update, but like I said I have been busy setting up stuff in my new house and I have been out of the house for a long time maybe each day. 

So I will be updating again later on August 31st cause of Wattys so expect an update on the day.

Bye gtg Write. 

P.S Cheak my new book The shape-shifter queen to will put the description in next chapter.

891 words

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