Chapter 20

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"I told Strauss to pull us today." Aaron tell me as we sit on the couch watching our one year old play on the floor before bedtime.

"Why?" I ask.

"Cause we can't keep going like this, we jump at everything Morgan almost shot a cop because he was tapped on the shoulder." He says and my eyes widen.

"So we're being pulled for how long?" I ask.

"Until we find this guy, I don't see how we can continue to work. Dave moved in with Garcia for a while because both were afraid to be alone. Garcia is also housing JJ."

"What about Will and Henry?"

"JJ said they went to New Orleans until this blows over, she said it took a lot of convincing on her part to get Will to go."

"I can imagine. So we just stop working? What happens if he stops because we stopped?" I ask and I see Aaron shrug.

"I don't know Strauss is hoping the next team will be able to spot something that we missed." He says and I shake my head standing up and gathering Gracie for bed. "Well if we're being pulled we should have the team over."

"I like that get everyone's mind off of things." He says following and I nod.

---Time Skip---

The team had gathered at our house for a bar-b-que four nights later and we actually laughed, at the baby mostly but hey we laughed which is something I hadn't seen the team do in almost 2 years. We were enjoying our meal enjoying the fact that everyone was safe.

The doorbell rang and all of us jumped it took me half a second to scoop up Gracie grab her favorite toy and put her in the hiding spot Aaron and I made. Watching Aaron walk to the door had my heart in my throat, I look around to see the team has their weapons out and I grab mine from a nearby table.

As soon as the door is open the unsub has a knife to Aaron's neck and I want to leap at him. He is a tall man slightly taller than Aaron however he keeps himself crouched. He's got brown hair and wild brown eyes.

"Whose idea was it?" He all but shouts.

"For what?" I ask calmly despite how uncalm I feel.

"Don't pull that whose idea was it to remove you?" He yells pulling the arm with the knife tighter and I hear Aaron hiss a bit so I share a glance with Spencer and lower my weapon walking forward a bit.

"Mine, you were scaring the only family I have and I couldn't take it anymore." I say and his eyes get cold and hard, I can tell he's about to do something stupid and I time it just right.

He lunges forward throwing Aaron to the side and I see I'm in the way so I immediately drop to one knee and hear one shot go off. He goes down and I get up staring at him before turning to the team I see Spencer's gun has a bit of smoke and I nod my thanks.

---End of flashback---

"And you're positive it's him?" Cramer asks and I nod.

"Yes Sir I am."


"Because we stopped recieving the letters and people stopped dying."

"And if he's just taking a break?" He asks and I shiver slightly.

"Then we're all in trouble but with respect I believe wholeheartedly that he's dead." I say and he nods motion to the team and my daughter.

"And how long did this threat last if I may ask your daughter looks like she's grown a little."

"It lasted two years, three months and four days."

"Alright you may go take a seat we have things to discuss." He says and I nod once moving to sit next to Aaron.

"Aaron." I say and he looks over. "Guys I want you to hear this too. Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner I am formally resigning from the Bureau." I say and there's a gasp from JJ and Garcia and Hotch goes wide eyed. Rossi is smiling and Reid nods while Morgan looks confused.

"Why?" Morgan asks. "Cause of this?"

"No, because I have a daughter and I need to be there, Aaron I'm not telling you to quit in fact I'm telling you to stay with the Bureau."

"We'll talk about this later." He says and I can see he's upset so I nod and go back to watching the Senator talk.

"Agent Hotchner." He calls and I stand. "The team will be resuming duty due to the fact that the Unsub is dead." He says and I smile and thank him.

"Thank you sir." I say and he nods.

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