Chapter 14

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I squeeze my eyes shut just as two loud bangs go off and I feel...nothing. Opening my eyes the sight that greets me tears my heart to shreds.

Spencer is lying on the ground with a hole in his stomach blood is spilling from him and I see Morgan rush to him. Looking over I see that Raven also is lying on the ground but she has a hole in her forehead.

"Reid! Reid! Spencer look at me! Spencer!" He yells feeling around for a pulse. "He's still alive call an ambulance." I see Dave pull out his phone but my eyes never leave Spencer as one thought runs through my head.

'This is my fault.' "Spence?" I whisper. I fall to my knees and grab onto his hand squeezing tightly and trying to force words out but all that comes out is air. It feels like I'm suffocating, I try and take in a breath but all that happens is I seem to lose more air. JJ comes into my field of vision.

"Abby you need to breathe, do you hear me breathe." She says and I nod trying to take in a breath again but it's not doing anything.

"Abby." I hear and I look up to see Aaron. "Sweetheart breathe." He says worriedly crouching down I nod again and this time am able to take a deep breath. "Good, let's go outside huh?" He asks and I shake my head vigorously moving to sit closer to Reid. I feel something squish and look down to see my knee is in a pool of blood.

Jumping up I run into Aaron's chest and look at him. "It's all my ffault but he can't leave he can't he's all I've got." I sob and he runs his hands up and down my back.

"Where the hell are those paramedics!" Morgan yells and as if summoning them three people rush in and head straight to Reid.

"We can only take one." One of the paramedics says and I look to Morgan.

"Make sure he comes back to me." I say and he nods before getting in at which point I break and cannot contain the tears that leave my eyes.

"Come on we'll meet them at the hospital." I hear and then I'm moved into a car.

---Time skip 3 hours---

"What's going on?" Morgan asks pacing and I look at him.

"It's ok Morgan he won't leave I know it."

"He wouldn't even be here if..." He stops himself but I get it and I stand up.

"You're right I would be and should be in there and trust me I will chew him out for the rest of my life over it, but right now panicking isn't going to help." I explain and he nods hugging me.

"I didn't mean it."

"I know you're just worried don't worry you're not worried alone." I explain and he nods.

"Excuse me are you folks with Spencer Reid?" A male nurse asks and Morgan turns.

"Dr, it's Dr. Spencer Reid."

"I apologize, so I take it you are?" He asks and we nod. "He made it out of surgery ok, he had some internal bleeding that we're worried about but are monitoring him carefully. He is asleep which is good it will ease the pain however he should be awake either later tonight or early in the morning."

"May we go see him?" I ask.

"Yes but for now only one can stay overnight." He says leading us to Spencer's room.

"Thank you, Agent Morgan will be staying with him." I say and Derek looks over surprised.

As we walk in I see Spencer on the bed hooked up to tubes and I cry looking at Morgan. "Wake me as soon as he's awake I don't care what time it is please?" I ask and when he nods I look at Aaron. "Can we go home?" I ask and he nods looking worried before driving me home.

Abby Angana (Criminal Minds) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now