First Meeting

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This is a one-shot about you first meeting Jughead. You are new to Riverdale and walk into Pop's to get some food. Abbrevations included: y/h/t : your hometown , y/l/n : your last name , y/e/c : your eye color. This is in your point of view [ pov ]


I walk into the diner, Pop's -- I think. I take a look around the place and stroll up to the counter.

"Hi! I called in an order for y/l/n," I told the cook. Pops, I assume.

"Yes. It'll be ready in a few minutes. Please take a seat while you wait," he said kindly.

I nodded and took a seat at the counter. I pulled out my phone and saw that I had a few missed calls from y/b/f. I turned off my phone and sighed. Doesn't she understand that I'm mad at her and that I left because of her, I thought. I heard the bell ring, signaling that a customer had just walked in.

Pops walked up to me with a burger and milkshake. "Do you mind taking this to the customer that just walked in? I'm a little busy with your order."

I nodded and took the order. I turned around and saw that there was only one other person in the diner. He's handsome, I thought. 

The customer was dressed in a grey flannel with a black t-shirt underneath. Black jeans adorned his legs and a grey, oddly-shaped beanie sat on his head, black curls peeking out. Looks kind of like a crown. His blue-green eyes stared at a laptop screen in front of him.

I walked up to him and cleared my throat. He looked up briefly and looked back at his screen. "Um, Pops wanted me to bring this to you. He's tied up in the kitchen with my order." I shifted awkwardly.

"Oh, uh, thanks. You can just set it down here," he said, pointing at the table in front of him, eyes not once coming off of the screen in front of him.

I set the plate down and stood there, waiting for another response from the mysterious boy with the laptop. I cleared my throat. "I just moved here from y/h/t. I'm trying to meet new people."

The boy looked up from his laptop, his tense blue-green eyes staring into my curious y/e/c ones. "That's great for you, but can't you see I'm busy and not interested!" he hissed, anger-filled eyes replacing the tense ones from earlier.

I backed up, embarrassment and fear flowing through me. I turned away and quickly started to walk back to my seat at the counter. I was about to mutter an apology, but the boy spoke up.

"Wait!" I froze and turned around. "I'm sorry. I'm just tense and frustrated. I'm sure you're a great person. My name is Jughead."

I walk back to the boy -- Jughead. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Jughead." I smiled and Jughead smiled back. I had a feeling it was the beginning of a wonderful friendship.


Well, that was my first oneshot. I hoped you liked it. Add, comment, send in a request [ remember no smut ] . Tell me if there is a mistake so I can fix it.

Thank you


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