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Hello! I got the idea for this oneshot while looking at a bottle of hand sanitizer in my room. It's not very good or long, but I hope you like it. This is the unedited version of this oneshot, so if you see any mistakes, please comment. No extra abbreviations for this oneshot. Thank you! This is in a second-person point of view.


Second-person point-of-view

"Hey y/n!" You turn around and look at your loving boyfriend Jughead, running towards you. You automatically reach into your back pocket to pull out the pack of sanitary wipes you keep with you. 

"Hey, babe! Hands please," you say, reaching for his hands. He gives you his hands and you wipe them down. "Okay! You're good."

He nodded and hugged you tightly. You tensed up shook a little. He let go of you and you wiped your hoodie off a bit. "You know," Jughead said, "one of these days I'm going to help you with your fear of germs."

You scoff. "It's not a fear of germs. It's just a constant need to be clean and a preference to touch clean things. And anyways, you wouldn't be the first to try to help me."

Jughead smiled fondly at you. "I may not be the first to try, but I will be the first to succeed."

"Good luck," you teased.

"I don't need luck, and to prove it to you, you and I will go on a date tonight and you will have no sanitary items on you. I'll make sure of it."

You tense up. "I don't think I can do that," you say, frightened.

"Non-sense. Y/n, don't you want help?" Jughead stares, concern flashing across his face.

"Of course I do! It's just . . ." you trail off. "I don't know how to get over this constant need of cleanliness."

Jughead hugged you again, burying his face in your neck, and you don't push him off. "That's why I'm here. To help you."

You nodded. "Thank you."

Jughead smiled at you. "I'll pick you up at six."


You heard Jughead pull up in front of your apartment. You quickly put a bottle of disinfectant spray in the inside pocket of your hoodie. You ran to the front door and open it.

Jughead entered and immediately opened your hoodie and reached into your pocket, pulling out the bottle of disinfectant spray. He knows me so well, you thought, but you came to your senses and groaned. "Juggie! Please! Just this bottle!"

"No y/n! You have to get over this!"

"Ugh! Fine Juggie! Where are we going anyways?"

Jughead smirked. "You'll see soon enough."


"We're here!" Jughead cut the car engine. You looked outside and what you saw completely shocked you.

"The fair!" you exclaimed. "This is the worst possible place you could take me Jughead!"

"Y/n! you need to get over your fear! This--" you cut him off.

"It's not a fear!"

Jughead sighed and rubbed his face. "Okay it's not a fear, but you need to get over it. This is the first step! And there are worse places to take you." Jughead pleaded. You nodded and stepped out of the car. Jughead stepped out too and led you to the ferris wheel.

"Okay. This is an easy one to start with. I'll be with you the whole time and you can sit on my lap if you want to. Okay?"

"Yeah." You nodded. There wasn't much of a line, so you guys quickly got into a car and the ride soon started, given you two were the last ones in line to get on that round. The attendant shut the cart door and you instantly started to fidget. Jughead took your hands in his and you stared into his deep blue-green eyes.

"You will be fine. The germs won't do much to you. I'll be here for you to squeeze if you need something to squeeze," Jughead whispered to you. He leant in and kissed you. The kiss seemed to go on for hours. When you opened your eyes, the ride had finished its round. You and Jughead waited patiently to be let out.

When you were let out, Jughead took you hand. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"

You shook your head. "You know Jughead, I think I'm ready to get over my fear." You smirked.

Jughead smiled down at you, and you leaned you head against his arm, ready to face your fear with him by your side.


The End

I hope that you like the oneshot. It took me a while to focus on this long enough to get it done, so it's not very good or long. I will try to write longer ones. Add, comment, vote, send in a request. I just posted this book yesterday and it already has 7 views. I think that's an accomplishment, considering I'm not a very good writer.

Thanks again!

xx - littlexbutxfierce

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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