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Alices POV
"Alice you dont have shoes on!" Jonathan shouting with my shoes in his hands.
I swung open the front door only to be smacked down by a fatass onto the hard floor.
"Owww my toes"😢😢😢
"THANKS*BREATHS DEEPLY* FOR LEAVIN *ALMOST DYING TRYINA BREATH* ME BEHIND *GASP* TRAITOR!" Comes Claire as she rested her hands on her knees, her upper body bend down taking in deep gulps of air.
Pushing Laurels body to the side I noticed they were both breathing hard. I would ask what happen to them but Leon was more important at the moment.
"..........I'll ask later! I gotta go get Leon!" I rushed out of the house heading to my car.
Jonathan already behind me also in a rush.
"We're coming too!!!" The girls shout
Slamming shut the front door making their way to the back seats.
"Have you guys seen Autumn today?"
I asked keeping a tight grip on the
steering wheel while chewing on my bottom lip hoping for something anything that will give me a clue as to where she might have gone off to.

"Nope, why?"Claire responds.
"She's missing...Leon is alone right now"
"What? How is that possible I got a text from her half an hour ago!"Laurel says pulling off both her head phones.
"Yeah look!" She shows me the text.


Where are you right now?😊

Im heading to my place

Where's your place?😁

What do u mean?
U know where we live😂

She didnt reply after that"Laurel sighs.
"....That's not Autumn..."
"What?How can you tell?" Claire asked starring at the phone screen.
"Autum hates emojis, she never uses them, not even when shes mad, she also hates the smily emojis she said they look weird" I explained.

" are we just gonna ignore that fact that you brought a really cute guy along?" Claire smirked creepily.
"Oh yeahhhh whats his name?" Laurel wiggled her eyebrows.

Jonathan slowly turned to face them
Giving them a smirk that turned into a wide smile flashing his white perfectly straight teeth at them.
"Jonathan" he says
"Do you have a brother?"
"Are you singl-"
"WE ARE HERE!"I yelled clearing my throat I pull up to park the car beforee getting off.
"She already called dibs"I could hear Laurel giggles, Jonathan chuckles along with the girls.
Jogging to the front door I turned the was unlocked...
"Leon...Im here, where are you?" I shouted about to head up the stairs.
"Leo-" A big hand came around me and pressed against my mouth preventing me from yelling.
"Shhh" Jonathan hushed me pressing one finger against his own lips.
"Be quiet" I nodded my head giving him a thumbs up before he released me.
"Lets go check upstairs" He motioned for me to follow close behind him.
We went into the first room.
I chocked on my own vomit as I saw puddles of blood on the floor and stains on the cream colored walls.
"Oh lord..." I heard Laurel whisper.
Claire having the weak stomach ended up puking. Laurel held back her hair as she dumped her bigMac all over Autumns bedroom floor.
"Imma help her get her cleaned up" Laurel ushered her to the bathroom.

"Lets go check the other room" Jonathan said.
I followed him to the next room.
He opened the door and walked in first.
Looking around I cpuld feel this heavy weight on my chest just disappear as I spotted Autum sleeping on the guestroom bed.
Then a question clicked in my mind

Where is Leon?

Out of no where I heard something heavy was thrown againt the wall and hard. Like whoever did it was pissed!
I was so scared yet I found myself heading to the door to get to the girls but Jonathan stopped me.
Then I heard the most horrifying ear piercing scream coming from the other room.

Pushing Jonathan back I ran to the door way when I saw Claires body being dragged harshly out the room so fast I wasnt fast enough to catch her. I couldnt see what the bloody hell was taking her away!
I saw as her body was dragged down the staircase carelessly making her head bang on each stair.she was yelling and crying out for help kicking  and one hand trying to protect her head and neck.
  Then whatever was grabbing on to her dragged her to the livingroom and out of my sight.

Autumns POV

I never gave much thought about death...specially my own...since it was inevitable so why give a crap about it.
Although I didnt really care about my own death I was worried about Leon.
  I didnt know what else to do but to wait for him to wake up.
I was resting by his side desperately waiting for him to open his eyes.
The only thing that somewhat eased my conscience was that he was still breathing.
    Bitting my lip in pain, I moved my leg to the side to put a purple pillow under it.
Taking in deep breaths I started to clean my cuts with alcohol wipes. The stinging sensation was a bitch but I managed to get the job done as I wrapped it with the cloth.

  It seemed like hours passed by.
The room was silent and the only noices were the cars on the streets passing by as the bright red carlights lit the room every now and then.
I ended up falling asleep...but then I heard a very disturbing cackle like laugh of a child. I couldnt open my eyes for I was so exhausted and my eyelids were shut tight.

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