Chapter 8

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  laurels POV

    Beep beep beep beep beep beep...

   The annoying sound and the familiar clean yet smelly handsoap sent 😷😷😷

...  ~•ugh...hospitals •~
   My eyes slowly opened...gaining clear vision I look arpund the room.
White plain walls...machine and the big wide window. I turned my head to my side...the  person I see beside me is my Sister. You have no idea how relieved I was! Oh god my vision was getting blurry again faaaq😢😢😢😢😢the hot tears got in my was and were now overflowing dripping out and rolling down my chubby cheeks.
   Alice was sleeping on the small seat beside me...she looked worse. Her skin was paler than usual and for the first time her hair looked messed up.
     "Alice" I reached for her hand to wake her up but pulled back  instantly with a wave of pain.
  The pain in my right arm was almost too much. I looked at my arm and scoffed.
~I...broke my arm....~

Using my left hand I poked her thigh several times calling her name.
"Alice!"I called again this time she opened her eyes. The darkish purple/green circles under her brown eyes and her eyes looked puffy and red. She was very I feel bad for waking her up
Her lips trembled,almost pouting,
she silently begins to cries. She got up so quickly reaching towards me to give me a hug, but she was about to fall backwards. She was so weak so even lost her breath on just getting up.
~You're not taking care of yourself  idiot~ I wanted to tell her that but I new we would somehow end up arguing if I did.
  She gripped the seat for support before sitting back down.
  "What the fuck!"She whines  rubbing her nose with her long sleeve while sniffing.
"Im sorry". Not knowing what to do I just held her hand awkwardly with my left hand and let her do the talking.
   " are so lucky you didn't break your neck or head... idiot..."She would mutter profanities at me and then at god and eventually thanked God.
"Dont cuss if you're talking to god"I said my fingers now playing with the thin white sheets that did little work on keeping me warm.
"How lo g was I out?" I asked glancing out the windown. "4 days"She looked at her phone. "NO!" What the faaaq!!! four days!!!?!?!?howwww!?!?
  "Just kidding 2 days" Alice giggles at my reaction. "It's not funny"I flicked her forehead with my left hand. "Sorry you should have seen your reaction! What if I said 2 months!😂
Anyways....what happened?" She asked getting all serious now.
Clearing my throat I knew she may not believe what I was gonna say but fuuuck it.
    "I was watching TV...and.....I heard people talking...I heard a man and a  woman in your room...the lady was crying and the dude sounded mad...I could bearly hear them but it was real"I tried my best to not seem like I was crazy....but...what I was saying was insane.

    "I saw something fall out from the upstairs window....I went to see what was up there...your window was opened and a picture frame of us was thrown out..."Alice listened to every word I was saying with so much pain and discomfort yet she tried to hide it.
Once I was finished telling her how I fell down she told me that I have to avoid being alone and anything risky....oh waw.
   She took in a big gulp of air before loudly releasing it."Okay...get better soon...I'll get Autumn to take care of Leon and Claire will pick you up once you are able to leave.. bye".
    "Wait! where aire you going?"I asked pulling on her lavander long sleeve. "I'll be back in 3 days...I promise I'll come back" She said placing her hand on top of mine...her hands were warm....I smiled at her.
"Be careful and make sure you eat well"And with that I let her leave.
I may not know where she was going but I knew I couldnt stop her and I understood that she had things to do...I just hope that God will at least take care of my big sister....


Alice's POV

    ~ ....I almost lost my sister...~

Believe may have tons of arguments and fights with your siblings but at the end of the day You love them to death. Shit I was worried I did not know what to do at all.
The thought of losing my baby sister never came to my mind. It's something I never ever want to experience.

   I did notice... not just me .... Claire as well...we acknowledge what was happening we just chose to ignore it to protect the innocent child that was living with us...that and I was scared to confirm that supernatural bullshit was real. Listen I love supernatural shit...that is amazing yeah! I just dont want that crap to be happening to me or my family.
    Strange crap has been happening and I don't want to blame Leon...I honestly want to belive he has nothing to do with this but... shes my sister I have to protect her...what if it happens to her again or worse...what if she ends up dead!?what if it happens to Claire or someone else?? What would I do?what can I do?😯😔
   All I could think about was...finding answers to all of my questions. Making sure Laurel was gonna be okay and to get my shit together.
I needed to know what the hell was going on I cant let it go on any longer.
It makes me so mad and scared at the same time...I'm scared...I'm not able to make sense out of it alone. And Mad that it's messing with my fam.
   I knew I had to go to where it all get the answers I was seeking so desperately...but...what if what I fear might be true...what if Leon was a....ughhhh no!bad mind!
How could a child be involved...
  Exiting the hospital I got in my car and went to fill up the gas tank.
While at the gas station I get a call from Claire.
"Hey Claire...yeah I just talked to her...she's doing fine yeah I told her you would be picking her up. Is Autumn there?  great...Im at the gas station...Im leaving today be back in two or three days...yes I have money...okay take care bye".
Hanging up the phone I scratched the back of my neck anxiously. 
     "....I hope this is the right thing to do".....


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