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Ty stood in the center of the hallway, eyes closed as he breathed deeply. His deep green eyes slid opened and he ran his tongue along his lips. The walls were splattered with crimson in pleasing patterns, or at least he thought so anyway. At his feet were several bodies, all dead and their life blood flowing out from under them.

They'd been the fools to try to attack him, he'd only responded in kind. Slowly, he stepped over them and started down the hall once more. His thoughts began to clear and center on Lucas. He didn't like the feeling he was getting. The grimoire burned as he invoked it. Before him he saw Lucas' filmy form. The boy looked to be talking to someone, probably the two girls.

Then he started down the hall. Ty was only focused on Lucas so he didn't know if all three of them went together of if they split up. He was hoping that the vampire was smart enough to keep company. Ty followed the filmy form of his to-be boyfriend. The boy was moving rather slowly through the hall and he looked to be deep in though.

He frowned at Lucas' image as he strode next to it. Figured that the damned vampire would be lost in his own thoughts. His lack of concentration on anything else gave Ty the feeling that Lucas had indeed separated from the two girls. As he followed the filmy replica of Lucas, he kept an eye out around him to see if he could spot the girls or if there were any other Stalkers around.

Lucas' form stopped suddenly and it startled Ty. He watched the filmy form as the vampires replica made a quizzical face and then started off down the hall at a brisk pace. Ty followed after him, turning down the same hall and the instant he did his concentration broke from his grimoire. The scream of agony cut through him like a hot knife.

Lucas' filmy form disappeared instantly, not that it was needed anymore. Ty sprinted towards the sound, his heart in his throat. A door stopped his advance, but it was beyond that door that he heard the sounds of torment. He slammed his fist into the wood, enraged. The green of his eyes started to swirl into a sickly yellow; his grinding teeth took on the shape of fangs on either side of his eye teeth.

It took Ty a moment to calm himself. He regained his normal features with a bit of breathing and concentration. It was far too early to allow that to be known just yet. His eyes roamed the door, looking for weak points, if there were any. There was a feel of power holding the wooden frame in place. After a moment, his customary grin replaced his angry features.

"Fine, I'll play that way," he muttered to himself. Slowly the fingers of his right hand uncurled from the fist they'd been in. A silvery white light began to curl along his fingers, stretching up to his wrist and just a bit more onto his forearm. Pulling that hand back, his eyes narrowed and he thrust that hand at the door.

The power he'd called brightened, cracking against the wood. The first hit only splintered portions of the barrier between him and his target. A second attack shattered the entire thing and the scene that was laid bare before him nearly put him over the edge again.

Lucas was on the floor, bloodied and battered, the screams were coming from him. A cloaked figure sat atop the vampire, a knife in hand and he was currently pushing that knife across Lucas' stomach. More blood flowed, spilling out onto the floor. So, the boy hadn't decided to kill Lucas right off the bat. Maybe that was a good thing considering he could have cut off Lucas' head or torn out his heart in a matter of seconds.

The silvery white light flooded his hand again and he commanded it with every ounce of rage that he felt right then. Ty swiped his hand upwards, releasing the magic in a single enormous burst of energy. The boy turned to see what had just interrupted him, and Ty recognized the face immediately.

The silver blade of magic crashed into Vahn, throwing him off of Lucas' body and sent him hurling into a pillar on the other side of the room. The sharp cry of pain was satisfying for Ty to hear, but it wasn't nearly enough in compensation for the state that he found Lucas in.

He rushed over to the fallen vampire who'd crumpled to the floor once Vahn's hold on him had been removed. Ty pushed his hand under the boys shoulder and lifted him gently to wrap the other across the back of his shoulders and cradle him. Lucas opened one eye, the other was covered in blood, most likely cut in a few places.


"Hey," he smiled at him, "Didn't I tell you that I would handle this?"

Lucas groaned, his eye closing and he shifted just enough to rest his head against Ty's shoulder. He lifted his gaze from the bloodied form of the vampire in his arms and glowered at Vahn who was standing up slowly from the magic that had hit him. The silvery blade of energy had done its job. A dark inky color was beginning to seep into the black clothing that covered Vahn's frame.

"How... in the hell are you still alive!?" Vahn growled, his teeth bared in rage as one hand curled to support his wounded body.

"I'm a tenacious bastard," Ty replied with a wild grin, his green eyes flashing with a bit of amusement.

"Well then, let's find out just how tenacious you really are, boy," Vahn replied his hand out stretching with the intent of gathering his magic.

"You first, asshole." 

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