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Ty walked down the empty hallway. It was late in the day and school was long since over. There were a few stragglers here and there, mostly students staying behind for their after school activities. If it weren't for the obvious demons walking around, and the vampires, Ty would have thought the high school to be like any other.

He grinned to himself as he pushed open the double doors at the front of the school and started on his way home. Lucas stayed at the school, Nameia usually did too. Ty would have as well, but his excuse to do homework took him outside the school grounds. He did have a place to stay, an apartment not too far from the school, payed for by the government because of his not having any family.

How often he stayed there, though, was a different story all together. Ty moved down the street, walking down the darkening path between trees that led towards his apartment complex. It was forestry, a beautiful setting really and he did enjoy nature a lot.

Slowly, he came to a stop in the middle of the pathway and looked around. He definitely wasn't alone as he stood there. Someone else was lurking in the trees. Drezair stretched out his own senses, even as he wasn't in control of Ty's body. Turning around in a full circle he regarded his position. Not too far from the school, but far enough to be a problem if it came down to it.

"Well, you made this easy enough, didn't you?"

Turning around, Ty regarded the woman that stood in the center of the path about four feet from him. His lips twisted into a grin as he watched her carefully. She must have been the one called Mithviya.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mithviya."

"Ah, so you know. Saves me the boring introductions. Let's cut to the chase, shall we?" She said with a grin on her lips. Her light brown eyes glittered and her long black hair twisted around her shoulders from the faint wind that blew through the trees. Pale pink lips cracked apart to reveal an interesting sight. Ty lifted both eyebrows in a bit of shock and curiosity.

The fangs were large, larger than Lucas' and instead of just one fang, they were doubled. Two fangs on each side of the eye teeth, the ones closest to the eye teeth were longer, larger, and the second set just on the other side of those ones, were just a bit shorter. Ty relaxed his body and started to give himself over to Drezair. However, as he was changing, she rushed them and leapt up. Mithviya was quick, faster than Ty was expecting.

Her long legs wrapped around his waist, tightening to hold herself there and he startled. She hadn't knocked him over and she looked a bit disappointed at that fact. It was mostly because of Drezair's strength that kept him upright. He grinned up at her, recovering from his shock quickly enough.

"Think you're all that, don't you?" she said cruelly, her lips pulling into a large, wicked smile.

"Let's just say you don't scare me," he retorted and Drezair took over completely. His long claws slashed upwards at her and she hissed in pain as he cut open her thigh and hip. She didn't let go of him, unfortunately. The demon took another approach and shoved his claws deep into her side. Mithviya groaned, her voice huffing out between her lips.

She laughed then, "Do you not know what you're dealing with? I'm just like you, boy. I don't injure easily. Oh and... I can't die."

Her hand clamped over his shoulder, near his neck and Ty's body shuddered. She did something to him and he started to drop down to his knees, intense pain filling his every muscle. Just beneath her hand, black tendrils snaked along his skin, sinking deep into him and spreading outwards.

Drezair lost his hold on Ty's body and went back into his original state. Ty coughed, a sharp cry from his lungs filled the air as he struggled to stay upright. Mithviya tightened her hold around him and leaned forward, pushing his body backwards. Her grin never left her face, her light brown eyes widening in triumph. Whatever she was doing to him, put him into so much pain that he couldn't stay upright.

Falling backwards, Ty hit the ground heavily. She released her hold from around his waist and straddled his prone form then. Her hand lifted just slightly and every muscle that had convulsed from her touch relaxed finally. Breathing became easier, but he was still in pain and exhausted. Damn...from a single... touch too... he panted to himself wearily.

"Not so cocky now, are we?"

"Try me," he laughed, his voice heaving as he lay there.

"I think I will, darling. I hope you enjoy it. Let's see your demon prince try and fix this one."

She lay both hands on his chest and her demonic power sunk into him a second time. Ty's teeth clenched together, his eyes squeezing shut as yet again every muscle tightened convulsively. His back arched and he fought to keep from screaming in agony. Ty couldn't move as everything burned from the strain and even Drezair was weakening.

"Ty..."Drezair's voice was strained, filled with the same amount of pain that Ty was feeling.

"Do... something... damnit."


"You're a strong one, I'll give you that," Mithviya's voice cut through his haze. Slowly he peeled an eye opened and glowered at her. She only smiled in return and increased the power level.

Ty screamed then. 

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