Visiting Johnny

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Darry wanted to stay home with me, but Two-bit piped up and said he "babysit" me. I wrestled him to the floor.

"SAY UNCLE!" Two-bit demanded.

"Two lay off, he ain't looking so well," Darry said.

All they guys left for work, so Two and I went to see Johnny and Dally in the hospital. We couldn't take Two-bit's crappy car, since it was in the repair shop, like always. So we took the bus there.

We went to see Johnny first, but almost didn't let us, but the nurse said he was wanted to see us.

"Hey ya feeling? Two asked softly.

"The doc said I can't walk or move ever again. I busted my back" I can hear Johnny wanting to cry but didn't.

"Do you want anything Johnny?" Two asked.

"That book, Pony, that book we had at the church," Johnny mumbled.

"Gone With the Wind Two-bit, can you get it please" I stated.

"I'll bring it back with me soon okay buddy, you'll be okay" Two-bit assured.

The nurse came in saying that Johnny's mom wanted to see him. He told her he didn't want to see her...Poor Johnny passed out from the arguing and the pain. When we left to see Dally we saw Johnny's mother yelling at the nurse.

"No wonder he doesn't want to see you, you drunk!" Two-bit threatened. Johnny's mom stood taken aback, but it's true. Two gave the book to the nurse and told her to give it to him. Then we saw Dally, Only his arm was burnt badly.

"Hey man, how's, how's Johnny man?" Dally looked up at us from the bed.

"Hey, I know I'm not the one to deal with this...but he ain't lookin' so good" Two-bit choked.

Dally and Two-bit talked for a while about a rumble. If greasers win, socs stay on their side of town and stop jumpin' us; if socs win though, everything will stay the same.

I hope we win. Ever since Johnny got jumped, we all have been scared for each other; hoping not to get jumped like him again.

Two and I left after he gave Dally his switch. We had to take the bus home. Two said I didn't look so well, I told him I'd take some aspirin when Darry isn't looking. 

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