And the raven croweth "Nevermore." (shut up I was trying to be clever)

8 3 2

Rules of this tag:
1. You have to post the rules
2. You CANNOT tag the person who tagged you
3. You CANNOT refuse the tag
4. You only have ONE WEEK to do this
5. You have to do it in a book, not in the comments or on someone else's wall
6. List 13 facts about you
7. Have a creative title
8. Tag 13 people

1. I'm terrified of spiders, losing my friends, being unable to see, and-in some sense the future

2. My favorite colors are black, navy blue, and dark red

3. My favorite YouTubers are Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and most recently, Jordan Underneath *creepy fangirl whimper squeal thing* (my bean...)

4. My favorite tv shows are Adventure Time, The Amazing World of Gumball, We Bare Bears, and Steven Universe (they're all cartoons... *Snape voice* obviously)

5. I have sensory processing disorder, anxiety, depression (stupid genetics,) and I'm pretty sure I have insomnia
6. I talk too much

7. My brain hardly ever "shuts off," the only time it does is when I don't want it to

8. I love video games, especially ones of the horror genre... neheheheheheheheh

(Oh my gosh I had an idea and then my sister distracted me)

9. Anybody that knows me, knows that I love art... so there you go... I love art

10. 85% of my shirts are black... (bless Hot Topic)

11. My favorite store is Hot Topic

(I finally remembered what I was thinking of earlier)

12.  I enjoy a lot of older music, even though most of the music I listen to is alternative and alternative rock, and I really like classic rock (Queen and AC/DC are just... yes)

13. If I could have any job in the world, it would definitely be... being... wait, what, grammar, that's a thing... I would be a YouTube personality... there we go. That was a lot harder than it needed to be. (My channel is sqweesh567 if you want to help me out XD) But realistically, I've been interested in being an art therapist, because, as said earlier, I love art, and I enjoy helping people.

And the people I tag

(Sorry, not sorry XD)

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