Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

My mind slips in and out of consciousness. I'm not sure how much time passes. Enough for me to start growing the semblance of a beard, I guess. My limbs tense as I shift positions in the cold chair holding my weight. I suddenly miss Kelly's dilapidated couch. Even though it was barely usable, it still managed to mold to the form of whoever sat on it the longest.

Kelly flinches in his sleep. His arms have been freed of the metal bars, but there are bruises left behind as a reminder of where they once were. His eyelids flutter, and I wonder if he's having a dream. Or maybe a nightmare. It wouldn't surprise me if it was the latter. I want to reach forward and readjust his blankets, or maybe even hold his hand while he sleeps, just so he knows he's not alone.

I don't, though.

Instead I lean my elbows on my knees and keep my distance from my best friend. When he first woke, he was panicked, but Helena kept on assuring me 'this was to be expected.' I'm not sure how many days have passed since then, but he's not getting better. If anything, his health is regressing – both mentally and physically.

Maybe I should have waited to explain everything and answer all his questions. Helena warned me to take it slow; I didn't. I just wanted to get Kelly back to his normal self. Now I'm coming to the bitter realization that the version of Kelly I once knew is gone. Yes, he's human again, but the pieces and memories he had as a vampire have stayed with him as well. It's changed him.

My stomach rumbles at my silent protest against food. I haven't eaten anything since the moment I stepped foot into this medical unit. I'm not sure how long it's been, but I haven't started hallucinating. At least, I don't think I have. That's a good sign.


Something stirs to life within at the sound of his voice. I don't turn around, but I feel Bogdan as he moves beside my chair. It's the first time I've heard his voice or been in his presence since he stormed out of the medical unit upon seeing Kelly's condition.

Maybe I should've ran after him to try and explain, but I couldn't leave Kelly's side. And selfishly, I didn't want to see even a hint of betrayal in Bogdan's gaze after hearing my explanation. At this point, I just can't handle it. Does that make me a coward?

A shaky breath escapes my lips when Bogdan's cool hand touches my shoulder to gain my attention. It's a light, hesitant touch, but my skin aches for more. With what little courage I have within me forces me to meet his gaze. His eyes have become a brilliant, searing red. They're no longer appeased by satiety, and my heart sinks realizing I've also forced Bogdan to go days without eating as well.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. "I just couldn't leave him."

Bogdan cocks his head to the side. The florescent lights provide an iridescent halo around his head, yet his sharp features cast shadows as he stares down at me. A fallen angel. How can one man be so beautiful?

"You need to eat," Bogdan whispers. "I'll sit with him while you're away."

It's not a question or a command, but rather a request that's said with enough conviction that I don't argue. I stand from my chair and wince. Everything aches. Nothing sounds better than throwing myself into Bogdan's arms and begging him to help me figure all of this out. Instead I move past him and nod in agreement.

"I'll grab a quick bite and shower. Shouldn't take me too long."

Bogdan's eyes linger, and I try not to fidget having his attention. My mind is probably playing tricks on me, but it almost appears as if he's concerned about me. He crosses his arms over his sculpted chest. I swallow back a stale mouthful of saliva.

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