Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 - Bogdan's POV

I choose myself.

The whispered words, so soft and broken, slip past my impenetrable skin cells and reverberate against my bones. A chill follows thereafter, a foreign feeling. Oddly human. Perhaps a macabre foreshadowing of what's soon to come – the experiences I will surely have once I am forced to take the serum.

Reyo's small mouthpiece picks up my human's voice and carries through the chamber of hell. Beneath his sacrifice is a backdrop of agony, the cries and pain of humans and vampires alike weighing down the air like a living nightmare.

This is no longer a war. A war implies two sides fighting against one another. What started as a war has turned into a massacre of two species, entirely. Reyo works his jaw tighter and tighter. He doesn't anticipate this response. If he truly knew anything about my human, though, he would have expected this. Self-sacrifice and a bleeding heart are unique characteristics of my human, both his greatest weapons and biggest downfalls.

"You're not an option, Finn," Reyo says, clenching his teeth together with barely contained rage. "I need your blood. You agreed to this."

My human blinks a few times, slowly, and squints into the distance. The lights on this make-shift stage do well enough to keep the horrors of the shadows at bay, but their cries are proof enough to unveil the hidden tragedy that lies in their depths.

"I agreed to give you my blood to turn them back," my human whispers, and tears collect around his eyes. "Not to kill them."

A shift in movement catches my eye, followed by a subtle but sharp intake of breath. I tilt to my chin to the side and lock eyes with Tegan. I expect her to glare and turn away, but she holds my gaze. In that moment, my earlier suspicions are confirmed. She is no longer an ally for Reyo and his brainwashed band of Secondaries. Granted, she is not an ally of mine, either. However, we now have a common enemy – Reyo. We also have a common ally – my human.

"Mr. Primary."

A Secondary guard approaches the stage. He tries not to act affected by the broken and bloodied bodies beneath his feet, but his pallor suggests otherwise. A florescent sheen of sweat breaks across his forehead as hands grasp at his ankles, fingers clawing at the hem of his pants in a final attempt for rescue and relief. His human and vampire side are at war with one another. Such destress brings out humanity and raw emotion. Yet, it is clear that this vermin-like Secondary views being in front of his leader as a privilege.

My curiosity quickly morphs into disgust as he shields his emotions, sinking his mental claws into the meat of his Secondary soul, and casting aside his humanity. Reyo tears his focus from my human, but his scowl remains intact as he waits for an explanation to this unexpected interruption.

"The required guests have been stabilized and moved into the requested corridor."

Reyo's shoulders relax, his scowl melting away into a sinister grin. "Wonderful."

He sweeps his green eyes over his collection of visitors on stage, giving us each a cursory glimpse of recognition before bringing his hands together in a single clap. The sound booms through the mic, ricocheting against the walls and thundering through the great expanse.

"Unfortunately, Finn, this conversation must be tabled. We have dinner plans."

Reyo grabs my human by the arm, pulling him to his feet. I feel the ghost touch of Reyo's fingertips against my own arm, and my fangs elongate in warning. My instincts intervene, and I step in front of Mr. Primary, baring my fangs with a low growl.

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