Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 – Bogdan's POV

He's fragile now. With every shallow breath, and with every shiver that wracks its body, it shows. He's no longer the fierce warrior that suited him as a vampire. He's reverted to human form, and he's weak. My human knows it, too. What he doesn't realize, however, is how close Kelly is to knocking on Death's front door.

He can't sense Kelly's emotions – the warring depression and confusion while he sleeps. He can't smell Kelly's blood and the way it's slowing down and losing its vibrancy of life. The Secondary medics see his health is deteriorating, but they can't see what I see either.

They're living their lives ruled by the side of them that's human. Most of them probably haven't tasted a drop of blood in centuries. If they did, they'd be able to smell the change in Kelly's life source. They'd be able to sense the shift in his blood. His body is resilient enough to fight; his strength as a vampire was proof enough of that. The sudden onslaught of emotions and sorting through memories is too much for him to handle, though. It's taking a toll on his mind.

One of the Secondary medics leans across the bed to take Kelly's vitals. He flinches to her touch as she places her fingers against the inside of his wrist.

"Seventy-five," I mutter to her.

The woman's green eyes snap to my face. I've startled her. "What?"

"His pulse," I say. "Is seventy-five bpm."

She doesn't seem convinced. Her fingers remain on the inside of his wrist. She waits a minute before withdrawing her hand and scribbling down a number on her notepad. She writes a seven. Then she hesitates before putting another six – purposely adding a beat to his heart rate to prove I'm not right. Even though I am.

The Secondaries have a stronger ability to hide their emotions from me, but this particular woman is struggling to keep her trepidation intact. She writes down a few more notes. Her eyes focus on the dark rings nestled beneath Kelly's eyes. She's realizing what I've known since the minute I stepped into this medical unit. Kelly is slipping away.

A deep frown settles in between her brows, and I take the opportunity to give her a gentle reminder of the importance of her role.

"You did this to him," I mutter. "I don't care what it takes, but you will keep him alive."

She shudders at the tone of my voice. Alright, perhaps not as gentle as I'd intended.

"I...I don't know why he's deteriorating so fast," she whispers under her breath.

My expression doesn't change. "Fix it."

She doesn't ask for the reason behind my command. If she was thinking clearly, however, she'd realize it has nothing to do with me caring for him. Kelly was a phenomenal immortal, but his presence in my life makes little difference to me. He does, however, mean a great deal to my human.

Much to my confusion, my human's sadness and worry concerns me. It causes an odd sensation to settle in the pit of my stomach, a feeling I didn't experience until I started consuming his blood. It's here now, though, and I can't seem to make it go away. Therefore, if keeping Kelly alive fixes my human's emotions, I will see to it that he remains safe.

A prickling heat slides across my knee. I glance down at it, waiting for it to go away. It doesn't. My jaw tightens as I narrow my gaze on my knee. Time seems to stand still as I wait for something to change. Almost a minute passes before the heat subsides. My shoulders start to relax...until the heat moves to my bottom lip.

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