9:Crystal venom

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I decided to stop pouting and actually help.

I walked to the control room and was shocked when I saw Coran and Allura fighting off several Galra ships. "What the hell?" I shouted and ran to my lion. "Princess, our particle barrier won't last much longer!" Coran said, frantically. "Paladins, you need to get out of there as soon as you can!" Allura said and I honestly wondered if they all forgot about me. "This is it! We're going to die in here. I can say bye-bye to that parade." Lance said and I rolled my eyes.

"Get it together, guys." I said, taking authority as I stepped up to my entrance to the White Lion. "Allura, I'm sure they'll try and get here as soon as they can. I'll provide air support until they do." I said and put my hair up in a ponytail before picking up my helmet. "Echo, you heard Shiro! You have to stay here!" Coran said over the comm. "I'm not sitting by while I could do something." I said and launched my lion into space.

"Hey!" I yelled and attracted the attention of the Galra fighters. I zoomed away and the fighters followed me, successfully freeing the castle from fire.

I quickly spun around and started to shoot at the ships, taking them down easily. As they grew closer I attacked with my claws and teeth, tearing my attackers apart. The ships were about as well crafted as a third grader's paper airplane compared to my re-enforced claws and bite and I quickly took them out. I smirked in my victory before freezing, noticing the battleship. "Uhh, guys?" I said through the comm. "What Echo?" Shiro asked. "We have a giant battleship heading straight for the castle." I said and flew back to Allura. "Coran, update me. How close is the team to freeing Shay?" I asked.

"Shiro and the team are trapped in the heart of the Balmera." Coran said and I cursed. "There isn't enough time. Allura, I'm attacking the battleship. I'll aim at the ion cannon and see what I can do." I said and flew towards the ship.

The Galra saw me coming and charged up their ion cannon. I flew to the side so that they wouldn't be aiming for the ship and the cannon followed me. "Echo, their cannon is locked onto you." Allura warned and I gritted my teeth. "I know, I know." I said and flew toward it. The cannon began to charge up and I paled. "Echo! Get out of there now!" Coran yelled but I didn't have enough time to react and was forcefully pushed backwards into the castle's particle barrier.

"Echo!" Allura yelled and I managed to speed out of the ray, saving Snow but leaving the castle to full exposure. "Hey Kitty, on your six." Keith called and I started to fly towards the team. "Form Voltron!" Shiro said over the comms. and I flew to the head of Voltron, becoming a part of the robot and we flew towards the massive Galra ship. Using all of our strength, Voltron managed to move the entire ship, making the ion cannon's beam move off of the castle.

Allura and Coran directed full power into the blasters and sent one large beam of energy at the Galra ship, making it explode. All of the fighters were also destroyed in a white light.

"Yes!" Smalls cried out and I smiled. "The parade is back on!" Lance said and I rolled my eyes. "Uh guys..." I said looking up to see a something crashing through the atmosphere.

"There's an unknown object incoming! It's about to crash into the Balmera!" Coran called through the comms. and I cursed.

"What the heck is that?" Lance asked. "Trouble." Shiro said. "Oh, no." Smalls said. "Please tell me there's not a giant monster in there. Please tell me it's empty! Or full of space candy. One of those two. Either one is fine." Hunk said and I sighed.

"I don't think it's a piñata, Hunk." I said and examined the thing. It looked like the same ship/vessel that contained the first monster we fought. The gladiator.

"If it's the same kind of the monster that attacked us on Arus, we already know how to beat it." Keith said and I tensed as the pod opened with a hiss and the front clattered to the ground. "Stand your ground." Shiro said.

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