Girl Talk

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It took until 9 to get to Lizzy hotel, we hadn’t said much on the way there, one reason being Lizzy unfortunate driving skills prohibiting her from driving and talking at the same time without crashing into the curb, and secondly because we didn’t need to talk, not with Lizzy, she was somehow able to understand what was going on without you ever even opening your mouth.

We pulled up to the post modern Columbus hotel, for some reason Lizzy was always rich, her entire family was the epitome of a well to do family, so naturally she was a chip off the old block. I straightened up, for some reason, one always felt that you ad to act proper around her, she had an element of British around her, which automatically made me feel slightly as if I was in the presence of some sort of royal, plus she was extremely well spoken, when she wanted to, which was rare as she was always one to gossip.

once we had arrived, we went up to her room, I was still in a bit of a state so I collapsed onto the bed going under the covers, Liz didn’t mind, she was only two years older than me, and  one year older than Lucas, so it wasn’t creepy or anything, she picked up the phone and called for room service of ice cream and marshmallows and chocolate, I smiled, perfect. She sat down next to me and put on a movie, then got fully under the covers, she looked over at me.

“Come on then, what’s up?” she asked, I took a deep breath.

“You know the feeling that you are drowning, and you just can’t do anything and everything around you is out of your control” she nodded.

“And Louie said something about a boy?!” she said, I nodded.

“Andy Biersack, Google him if you will” she pulled her laptop onto her lap and began typing away, “yeah, him, I’m staying with him and ,well, I think I’m in love, which is really bad, right?”

“No, I see nothing inherently wrong with feelings, sure sign you’re not a Robot.” I smiled slightly, bringing up a picture of him “and I don’t blame you, wow, the things I would do to that boy, not that I would because of you, buy god all mighty does he have cheek bones. Listen, if you like this boy, why don’t you just tell him? There is nothing sexier than an assertive woman” she sounded like she had memorised some sort of self help book, but it was good advice, if not for…

I gestured to the world around me “err, that would be great, except I am not Mrs Confidence right now, hence the fact why I am in your bed because a boy I liked asked me about my parents.” I pointed out; there was no way that I could tell Andy if I couldn’t tell him about my family.

“Oh, yeah, why didn’t you tell him?” she asked, I sighed “everyone has ghosts Meg” she said pointedly.

“Yes, but I have skeletons, ghosts, ghouls and vampires, it’s just not fair” I said, rolling so I was face down in the pillow.

“okay Hun, you don’t have to- is that your phone?” she asked, and it was, my phone singing morticians daughter, only once person it could be, he had personalised the ringtone himself I almost smiled, almost. “Well… answer it!” Lizzy said, I continued to stare at the phone, until the ringtone stopped, I had missed it, I quickly redialled the number, I didn’t want him to worry, plus Lizzy was practically tackling me to do so.

“Hello” I said.

“Where are you?” he said, sounding extremely panicked. I checked the time; it was 11 o’clock, oops?!

“I’m so sorry, I ran into an old friend, I think I’m gonna stay at hers. If that’s okay?”

“Yeah sure” he said, a hint of annoyance in his voice, he said goodbye then hung up, I looked at the phone shocked, what had I done? Oh I knew, I had walked out, acted like a total diva and just walked out, I was a total bitch, I looked over at Lizzy. She was looking at me, ecstatic, I was sincerely confused.

“you like him” she said, as if we were 16 again and sitting in her room discussing Matt Kern, a particularly hot boy, whom I had crushed on for several years before finding out he was a douche.

“No I don’t” I said defensively, I didn’t know why I was denying it, it just felt like he could hear me. “I… How?” I asked.

“Excuse me? Miss ‘I don’t ask anyone about anything’ just asked someone if she could stay round her friends house when she is what? 20. You and Louie used to steal my Barbies, and you never asked, and now you’re blushing your ass off, you like him”

“fine, think whatever you want, I’m going to bed” I said, rolling over to turn of the bedside light, then snuggling into the duvet, listening to Lizzy hum.

“Meg’s got a boyfriend… Meg’s got a boyfriend… Meg’s got a boyfriend…”

“oh shut up” I grumbled before drifting off into sleep.

I woke at around 3 in the morning, looks like my bbad habits were back, I got my things and wrote a note to Lizzy.


I’m going back to Anyds, I can’t thatk you enough, I would send you flowers but im sure you get way to many as it is, so I give you an invitation to come see me whenever, okay? Even if I’m mid concert, I will bring you up on stage so you can embarrass Lucas with me, Okay? See ya soon


P.S hands of Andy haha


hey guys, really sorry that it's so short, new chapter soon, rate comment, all that good stuff, if you want to that is

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