movie night!

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Chapter 4

I was woken by a loud banging, checking the time, it was 4 in the afternoon, Jesus I was weird!

I climbed out of bed and walked down the bus, Alex was drumming on the sink, which was now extremely dirty.

“Gees guys, you trashed the bus quickly!” I said, laughing at them “ima take a shower, don’t die while I’m gone”

“We haven’t seen you in almost two days, I think we can manage” Lucas said as I turned, I grabbed a salt shaker, throwing it at him, but he caught it, I muttered cuss words as I entered the bathroom. I stripped and climbed into the jet of water, washed and got out, did my  hair, makeup and changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a sequin top. I walked out of the bathroom, shaking my hair around like a dog, the guys hurried into the bathroom to get ready while I went into the venue. I walked over to the stage, standing in front of the empty hall, I began to sing…

“Saints born together

To fight…”

Once I was done I heard clapping, I looked into the wings and saw Andy, I laughed and went of the other way, not eager to hear his opinion on my pathetic cover, I smiled and walked to the band room to find my band and AA, I sat down next to Danny who put his arm around me, I laughed at him, we talked for a while until they had to go on stage, I snuggled into the sofa, shutting my eyes…

“Seriously? You’re tired already?” Josh asked, coming over to me and poking me alert.

“Shut up, I just want to have a nap, pleeeaaassseee?” I asked, like a small child.

“No, wakey wakey, meggie keep awake” I shot him a look for calling me meggie, but I had asked for it, I smiled, hugging him, then looked round for Lucas.

“Err, guys, where is Lucas?” I asked, he wasn’t in here.

“Oh, I think he was talking to the sound guys about his mike” Alex said, I noticed Andy’s face fall slightly when I asked about Lucas that was weird.

“well, he should be here, I want to go over his vocals, he cocked up last time” I said, laughing and getting up, I walked around backstage, looking for him, we had ages till we had to go on, us playing last and BVB second to last. I tried to focus on tonight’s set list, but it kept slipping out of my head, I was tired…

It took an hour for me to find Lucas, chatting up a backstage hand in the wings, I rolled my eyes and dragged him away.

“Oh, you were just jealous” he said, I laughed, he was such a flirt, good thing he was like a brother or else I may actually have fancied him.

“Yes, that’s the reason” I humphed, “by the way, your vocals last time were very quite, do you know what a mike is?” I asked him, he nodded “then use it!” I scolded, we walked into the band room, him trailing behind, looking like a dog that had just been kicked, bad analogy but hey.

“what did you do?” josh asked me, pulling Lucas into his lap and stroking his head like a small child, everyone laughed but still turned to me for an answer.

“She is just angry cos she caught me talking to another woman!” he said, as if we were going out.

“that’s not it at all, you were prating around and I wanted to talk to you and you didn’t half strop” I laughed, he stood up, looking down at me so we were nose to nose, until I pushed him onto the beanbags, I laughed, flopping down next to him. I guess that me and Lucas did sort of act like we were dating, but I had never felt that way, and neither had he, plus he was too much of a flirt to stick with one girl for too long.

Soon, BVB went on and AA came off, so I stuck with James, we talked about random shit for a while, I had family in England so that was good. Too soon we had to go on, I waved good bye and walked towards the stage, catching Andy’s eye as we passed each other on the stairs down to side stage, we got our cue and I walked  on stage after the guys, I grabbed the mike as I got close, bringing it to my lips and addressing the crowd…

Soon enough the set was over, the other members walked of and I saw Andy and the rest of the bands at the side, I took the mike again.

“can we have another cheer for BVB, Asking Alexandria, Kinds In Glass Houses, and Bless The Fall” I said, winking in their direction, the crowd erupted with cheering and yells, I smiled and walked of stage, I was full of energy now, and headed to the front of the venue to meet fans, Lucas came with me, the rest too tired to come, BVB and AA were out there too, so the crowds swarmed like flies.

I signed everything from t-shirts to chests, and took pictures with loads of people, half way through, Andy came over to me and whispered in my ear “no time for night time strolls tonight, we leave as soon as we’re done here” he said, I smiled at him, nodding, and returned to my fans, who were looking at me oddly.

“Are you two dating?” one fan asked, I looked at her, shocked.

“No, just friends” I said, but I could tell she didn’t believe me, I could see that Andy was dodging the same questions himself, his fault really, I pulled out my phone, texting him

Stupid J

I saw Lucas smiling at me, I shoved him playfully. After about 3 hours we were finished, the fans dispersed and the bands and I walked back to the busses, Andy caught my hand as we walked.

“Hey do you want to watch a movie?” he asked, I thought about it, I wasn’t tired, and I would probably watch a movie on my own otherwise.

“Yeah sure, let me just tell the guys!” I ran over to Lucas, telling him. He gave me a weird look and kissed my forehead goodnight, I laughed, grabbed some PJs and ran back to Andy’s bus, I climbed on bored, the rest of the BVB crew were in their bunks already, Andy came out of the bathroom in his PJS so I ran in and changed, exiting and going to the back room where I found Andy laying with popcorn and blankets, I smiled and sat next to him, I snuggled into the blankets and he grinned back at me.

“Okay, what are we watching?” I asked, maybe I should have brought something to watch, who knew what Andy was into?

“BATMAN” Andy said, as I clamped my hand over his mouth.

“Your entire band are asleep, be quiet” I said, shaking my head, he licked my hand and I screamed and removed my hand. He put his hand over my mouth now, shaking his head in mock disgust.

“My entire band are sleeping, be quiet” he said, muttering about being rude, I laughed underneath his hand and licked his palm, he smiled at me.

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