3 - Downhill

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Chapter 3 – 1659 words

The sound of five different people shouting and hands shaking me woke me up.

"OH MY GOD Namjoon, we're almost there, stop sleeping!"

"I've been waiting for, like, TEN YEARS for THIS!!"

Definitely Hoseok.

"Quick, take a photo! Look at that!"

Jungkook or Yoongi.

"Can you help us hold the camera??"

Maybe Jimin.

"Namjoon, I'm so sorry they woke you up, I tried telling them... especially when you just started your nap."

Only Jin hyung would say something caring like that.

My eyes fluttered open, and the pair of hands that were shaking me finally stopped. I turned around, and figured it was Jimin shaking me. He was holding out his phone, shaking it in front of me, telling me to help him take a photo of him and Jungkook.

"I can't have only you and Jungkook in the frame; Yoongi, Taehyung, and Hoseok will all be captured." I twisted my body and held up the camera as steadily as possible in a moving vehicle.

"Why can't I be in the picture?" Hoseok asked.

"I just want a solo photo with everyone." Jimin pouted while responding.

"Then do it when we get off, not now." I smiled at Jimin's lame explanation for waking me up, and handed the phone back to him.

However, he just pushed the phone back to me and said, "then can you please take a group photo first? I need this amazing background as my new phone wallpaper!"

I looked out the window, and that was when I just realized the breathtaking sky. The pink tainted clouds created a pattern on the wide sky; at the same time making sure that there was enough space for the egg yolk-like sun to be included in the image.

I saw that we were almost there; between thick trees and bushes, I can vaguely spot out the waves from the sea, and the yellow-white sparkling sand on the ground.

A few more turns and we were probably there.

"Only you five...? Because I can't put Jin hyung in the picture in this angle." I gestured at all the members in the middle and last row, confirming with Jimin.

"It's ok." Jimin answered for Jin, who nodded through the rearview mirror in agreement.

"Alright then, but I think you should wake him up first." Jimin and Yoongi followed my gaze and whipped their heads back to see the sound-asleep Taehyung at the back.

His headphones were on, probably dissatisfied by our choices of songs during the ride.

Jungkook reached up, cupped one hand on one end of the headphones, and pulled it away from Taehyung's ear.

His other hand wasn't futile; slipping in under through Taehyung's armpit, he started tickling Taehyung's most sensitive spot: the waist.


Clearly surprised, Taehyung jumped out from his seat, laughing, and curled up in a ball in hope to stop Jungkook from tickling him.

"...no - hahahHAHAhaha...sToB IT! ~~~~ Jungkookie-ah!!!" Taehyung's deep voice echoed through the small van.

"Save this for when you guys are alone! Gosh." Yoongi teased.

Everyone, everyone, including us, ships VKook, or TaeKook, or just them two together. They look too cute together. A.R.M.Y.'s probably can't see all the things they do behind camera...

Desperate | NamJin (ft. VKook and YoonMin)Where stories live. Discover now