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Chuuya's eyes widen in disbelief. How could this happen? Is it true? After 4 years? He finally have noticed! At last! Chuuya have already prepared for this day to come. Since his first day at the agency, This is the thing that Chuuya have awaited the most. He hurriedly ran from room to room, looking for his clothes, hat, and his bottle of wine that is stored for already long time. He hurriedly walked into the car and drove to the office, expecting something that is already waiting for him.

As he arrived to the place, he immediately entered the elevator and pressed the fourth button. The elevator shafts were closing already but a black shoe have stopped it. Chuuya looked at the shoe and it's owner.

It is just a shoe. Why is there a shoe here? It is a literal shoe. No owner. It just came on, flying towards the elevator doors. Chuuya picked up the shoe and started examine it.

The elevator finally have come to the stop which is the fourth floor and Chuuya still have he shoe. He placed it inside his bag and walked towards the door. Inhaling, Chuuya's shaking hand made its way towards the knob and twisted it and opened the door.

"KUNIKIDAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Chuuya shouted from afar, surprising everyone in there. Yes, he is quite enthusiastic this morning. "WHERE IS ITTTT" The small ginger exclaimed while trying to pester out the hot headed blond male.

"Ok. Here it is" Kunikida pulled out a bottle of his favorite wine. "I just got it since they always run out of stock in a few hours' time.

"It's been like, 4 years!"

"I suppose" Kunikida walked back to the desk and continued to type some files. Chuuya, however, being too early and so, walked past to Kunikida's back, peeping on the computer.

"What's that?" The smaller male pointed to the newly made file.

"Our objective this month. It had been said that ever since the tiger appeared to Yokohama, the port mafia started to move."

Port mafia. What a devious organization. Just hearing it's name started to send chills over Chuuya's spine. They seem to look for the tiger, but why?

"Nakahara, sorry for saying something about the mafia. My apologies."

"No! It ok. We still don't know what the objective is. Maybe to smuggle or sell the tiger. We may never know"

Chuuya sat down on his desk, starting to type some of the reports about yesterday's ambush.

"I once knew an angel, but he is all red.
supposed to be breathing, yet he's dead.
The knife is sharpened, the blood may drip.
In a far away mourning, the boy will weep."

"Kunikidaaa stop with your creepy poetry"

"Is it you? It's not me and why would I say something like that?"

"Eh? Guess that a ghost is here"


Chuuya chuckled while Kunikida looked serious with the 'ghost' part, not noticing the joke of "white ghost" who is Chuuya. He continued to type in the reports until he heard a knock on the door.

Then it open, revealing a dark haired man, wearing a coat and tied shirt. He is wearing a fuzzy hat and his purple restless eyes seem to imitate the void of the night.

"Good morning. I'm sorry for barging in."

"Oh no! It's okay! Have you set any appointments sir?" Chuuya stood up to talk to their customer.

"Yes. I indeed have called yesterday and set an appointment for 10 am but it seems like I am an hour early."

Yesterday's call. Just before the ambush. A man with a deep and harsh voice called, saying that he need to talk for a reason. And saying that we should look out for something

"It's fine. What seems to be the problem Mister-"

"Dostoevsky, please if you may."

"Ok then, Mr Dostoevsky, you have called because of a problem. What is it? We maybe able to help."

"Thank you for your kindness. It appears that an organization, the mafia, have some activities during the night and it have affected our place. A dark coated man have once broke in inside our place, not stealing anything. If you may, please, to look and help me stop it even for a while?"

"Noted. Any other reasons sir?"

"The boy of the red will weep and the man in Black will drip"

"I'm sorry but what is it a-"

Chuuya's attention have been diversed to the slamming of the door, revealing Kenji, a blond, province boy, panting.

"I'm sorry sir but maybe some other ti-"

Chuuya looked around and the man is gone, a Camellia in place.

Having an unexpected death

"What the actual heck" Chuuya stood up, looking for the man.

"Where is he?"

"The only person there is you. Lost your mind? What is with you too, Kenji?"

Chuuya looked confused, knowing that someone is here. Someone called....... Dos.....Do...... He forgot. Chuuya looked towards Kenji and asked. "Why are you in a hurry?"

Kenji stood up and breathe deeply.
"We have found a body near the river."


Chuuya have no choice but to come since Kenji would be the one who will be guarding the office. He picked up his coat and noticed that the shoe in his bag is missing.

"Have anyone seen a shoe?"

Kunikida and Kenji looked at each other with faces of confusion.

"What the... Chuuya, I apologise for saying stuff about the mafia but now is NOT THE TIME TO DO CRAPPY STUFF AND BE AN IDIOT"

Kunikida pulled Chuuya's coat and dragging the redhead after him. The two if the men drove towards the place where they found the body.

They walked off towards the river side and found Ranpo, Yosano and Tanizaki there.

"Morning Chuuya and Kunikida!" Ranpo greeted

"Good morning Chuuya kun, Kunikida kun." Tanizaki said. "Ranpo said that this guys is the tiger we are looking for."

Yosano just finished to use her ability and looked towards the two men.

"Starved to death. How unreal is this." She said as she walked away from the white haired boy, laying in the dirt and is all dressed up in rags.

He started to move, opening his eyes and purplish- yellow eyes stared to the morning sky.

"I am...... Dead?"

Chuuya walked towards the boy, observing him closely as the boy started to back off.



"IM SORRY" The boy shaked in fear.

"What's your name?"

"My name....... My name is... Atsushi... Atsushi Nakajima."

"Chuuya Nakahara! Nice to meet you. Atsushi-kun!"

Chuuya extend out his arm to reach but it was stopped by a loud, ringing gunshot.

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