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Had to reupload this chapter, my phone kind of messed up.

Cyrus parks his car in front of Buffy's house and as he gets out I stay in, to scared to move.

He knocks on the window and I shake my head no and he pouts out his lip and stares at me.

I stare at him for a good while before I finally sigh and I get out of the car, the loud music is blasting my ear drums and some girl is already throwing up on a tree.

"See now was that so hard?" Cyrus smiles at me.

I keep walking until we both walk inside the house, I begin to start shoving my way through the crowd of people dancing and laughing some sweaty and drunk and the others are just here for a good time.

I turn my head to see Cyrus is know where to be found, I look one way and I look the other and I still can't find him through this crowd of people and so I begin to panic silently screaming on the inside.

I push my way through people slowly finding it hard to breathe I manage to get on the staircase and once I'm at the top of them I sigh and sit down on the top step.

My hand begins shaking and I lean my head up against the wall trying to calm myself.

"There you are" Cyrus sits down next to me "Are you okay?" His smile that was once on his face disappears and gets replaced by a more concerned one.

I just nod my head yes taking a deep breath.

"Then why are your eyes watering, like you're about to cry? Is this to much? I knew I shouldn't have forced you to come here, I just wanted to see you have fun. Sorry" He sighs.

He places his hand on my knee and I sit up straighter removing it.

"Do you want to go?"

I nod and we both stand up leaving.


Cyrus, Cyrus, Cyrus, and more Cyrus all I can think about is Cyrus.

When I really should be thinking about how to get my grade in math class higher or how Jason and Derke could stomp me into the ground at any minute.

Oh, and of course it just had to be Monday. Nothing ever goes good on Monday.

My mom left for her business trip yesterday and I was left all alone with my thoughts about my life, I'm such a loser.

I literally just sat on my bed yesterday thinking about my middle school years. I was a popular dork, who would get all mad when someone said Frisbee wasn't a sport.

Knowing me back then I would've went outside threw a plate and argued that it was a sport. That's how lame I was and now I'm still lame just with no friends and a new injury everyday.

Anyway, let me stop thinking about my pathetic life and get back to the thing that has been on my mind this whole weekend. Well I shouldn't say thing that's rude since it's a person, a person named Cyrus.

We were so close to kissing like so close.

We were as close as Plankton is to getting The Secret Krabby Patty Formula before Mr.Krabs kicks him out.

You want to know who our Mr.Krabs was? It was Buffy asking why Cyrus wasn't at her party, so he quickly apologized for taking me to the party I got out of his car and we haven't spoken since.

My Broken Prince •Jyrus•Where stories live. Discover now