Saying good bye

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Smudge was in the car with her family. It felt quite cramped in the car even though they all fitted in it just fine, and all her stuff was in the trunk. None of them knew how they put all of the stuff she would need in there but they did somehow.

Her dad was driving down the highway to the train station that would take her to the ferry.

"I don't know if it's cause I'm going to the school or something else but the drive just to the station feels long." Smudge said as she looked out the window.

"Well then you haven't noticed then hun." My mom said

I looked at her "Noticed what?"

She was pointing outside and there was the train station. My eyes grew wide and I got a big smile on my face. Then I just started to jump up and down, even though the seat belt kept me from doing much bouncing, I still did anyways.

"We're almost there! We're almost there!" Smudge cheered

"Ya, ya. We're almost there woho." Nika, Smudges brother said sarcastically

"Now stop hitting me!"

Smudge stopped bouncing "I'm barely even hitting you" she looked at him

"Well say that to your hard, pointy elbow." He started rubbing his arm

"It's not pointy" Smudge said looking at her elbow, then at Nika "It's that your just a wimp" Smudge grinned

And that went to far, Nikas face filled with rage and he lashed out as he said

"I'm not a wimp! I just get hurt easier then you!" Nika yelled "You on the other hand!"

He pointed at Smudge

"You are the wimp here! Not me, you!" Nika was panting from all the yelling

"Ha! Ya right" Smudge laughed "You just keep dreaming Nika, just keep dreaming"

Smudge smiled and faced the front with a smile on her face.

Bauba parked in front of the gray train station. It was rectangular, with a cement awning with pillars as support beams. It was quite quiet outside the station, no one as moving outside. And no one was going in or out.

Smudge,her mom and dad got out of car and took Smudges stuff out of the trunk.

"You want us to help you carry this stuff in dear?" Daisy asked, about to cry.

"No mom I think I'll be fine."

"You sure?" Daisy wiped her fave with her sleeve and hugged Smudge, tear streaming down her face.

" be a good girl alright Smudge? Learn lots, make lots of new friends, and be sure to write to us from time to time okay?" Daisy backed up to look Smudge in the eyes

"I will mom, don't worry. I'll be just fine, promise!" Smudge raised her pinky

Daisy did the same and they locked pinkies and said "Promise till I die."

"You better" Bauba said behind them

"I will dad, don't fret." Smudge got up and hugged her dad

"Now could you help me with putting these bags on me?" Smudge asked cheerfully

They helped Smudge put her huge hiking bag on, along with a two bags on top of it. Then they clipped two bags onto her suitcase and handed her the handle.

"You sure you're going to be able to carry all that?" Daisy asked, still sniffling

"Yes mom, and if I couldn't how else could I show my worth in this school?" Smudge smiled

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