Cocky turns purple

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Pairing: Piccolo x Female Reader

Requested?: Yes!

Word Count: 814

Overview: A Day of training turns into a surprise for Piccolo.

You were training with Piccolo, Goku, and Vegeta on a super-hot day, and right now wasn't the best time for whining. Although they had insanely high-power levels compared to yours, they wanted to teach you how to use your strength wisely. Irritation boiled within you; arms crossed since they picked the worst freakin' day to train outside. You stood, glaring at Goku since he was training with you and Vegeta was training with Piccolo. The usual person to train with you would be Piccolo but whoop de do! Goku had the nerve to say it would be fun and you reluctantly agreed.

"Come on Y/N!!! Why aren't you fighting?" Goku whined while bouncing up and down. "Today's a good day to train and you're just standing around!"

"Goku I don't have as much energy as you, and on top of that it's hot as fuck out here." You said not moving an inch from the ground you stood. "Do you forget that I'm human or what?"

Goku laughed only to come over and pat your back. Piccolo and Vegeta stopped training as well, taking the opportunity for a break before walking over to you and Goku. You were much shorter than the two Saiyan's and the Namekian, so you were pretty much a small mushroom getting towered by some god damn trees.

"Hmph, had enough already." Piccolo smirked, causing you to scoff and put a hand on your hip.

"Shut up Namekian," You said with a large huff. "If you were me, you'd be dying right about now."

Piccolo chucked, making you look away. God he could be such a dick.  And what came next caught you off guard. You felt firm pressure on your back, and realization hit you as soon as you tumbled on the ground. This asshole just hit you! You popped back up and launched at Piccolo with barred teeth, giving him a hard punch that only landed in his hand.

"Gha, your too weak! Punch harder!!"

"What!? You prick! How-"

"You thought that you've beaten me in our last little match Y/n, but you haven't defeated any of us yet at our maximum strength." Piccolo smirked. "At least not me."

You felt your body twirl before being rushed backwards in the wind, your heels finding the ground as they put a stop to your swift movements. Piccolo was an easier opponent; someone you could fight with a little decency to your stride. Although, you had thought that you beat him. Guess you were wrong. A yell erupted, causing you to be ripped from your thoughts. Goku and Vegeta stood watching as Piccolo powered up like a maniac. This was definitely something you haven't seen before. Startled your eyes widened, to think that Goku and Vegeta were stronger than him.

"Well, don't just stand there." Piccolo scolded you as you practically became a statue. "You'd be dead by now if I was an enemy! "He disappeared out of nowhere and showed up in front of you.

'What speed.' Was your thought only to be interrupted by the Namekian tripping you, and you falling ass first to the floor.

You grunted a whine, staring up at Piccolo while he chuckled down at you with crossed arms. "You gotta be a lot faster than that if you wanna beat me." Said Piccolo, putting and hand out to you

'Oh so you think you're getting the last word?' You grabbed his hand and pulled yourself up. 'Not a chance.' To his lips you went and to them you earned, a delicate kiss forming for about a second. You then kicked him in the stomach and jumped back immediately, Piccolo falling to the ground and holding his stomach.

"Argh! Y-You..why did you do that for??" He stuttered, green cheeks that shaded a dark purple on his embarrassed face.

"Because, I had to prove you wrong." You said smiling. "You have to be smarter than that if you wanna beat me."

You watched as Goku bent down to Piccolo's ear, whispering something before the green man swatted him away with white eyes. He stood up, yelling at him at the top of his lungs about how the Saiyan could even ask a question like that and why would he even bother. You giggled, Vegeta just shaking his head at the two with a per usual scoff.


"What did he ask?" You perked up curiously on the balls of your feet.


"I just asked him if that was his first kiss, you know!" Goku innocently spoke up.

"Probably, don't Namekian's shit eggs out of their mouth's?" Vegeta piped up with a shit eating grin.


Piccolo stands and briefly dusts himself off, head between his shoulders and a mumbling mess. You smiled wide as he glanced up at you, and a twitch of a smile disappearing just as fast as it appeared. He definitely liked it.

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