1 :: mesmerise

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Isak was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling of his bedroom and doing absolutely nothing, which isn't exactly the best way to spend his Saturday, but it's not like he has anyone to hang with. He enjoyed the peace and quiet feeling, for he can think about his future and the people in it. While Isak was quietly thinking, his phone made a 'ding' noise, so he grabs his phone to see a text notification from Jonas, his best friend.

Jonas Vasquez

(15:20) There's a party at Eva's. Wanna come?

sure, why not

Ight. It starts at 7, be ready by 6:45 because that's when I'll pick you up

Eva's house isn't far tho

I know but I have to get the bag of Mary Jane and the beer.


After eating lunch and then taking a long nap long after, Isak woke up, got off of bed, and went to the kitchen to have something to drink since he was dehydrated, only to also see Eskild there.

Isak opened the fridge to grab a granola bar, when he asked, "What time is it, Eskild?"

"6:33. Why?"

Crap, Jonas is going to pick me up in 12 minutes.

"Oh, it's just that I'm heading out to a party and Jonas said that he was going to pick me up at 45"

"Oh, well you should probably go get ready. I mean, not that you care anyway, but you know, it's always nice to dress to impress if you want to hook up with a girl," Eskild paused. The two teens looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"C'mon Eskild, we both know I haven't had a hookup in six months," Isak said, "Well, I'm going to, you know, get ready now". Isak went to his room to actually change his clothes for a party for the first time, and opens up the closet.

What should I wear? I mean, it's a party, nothing special, right? Heck, I can even wear what I'm wearing right now, but apparently a certain someone cares about the way I present myself in public.

After rummaging through his basic closet full of  t-shirts jackets, and sweatshirts, Isak decided to wear a white adidas sweatshirt shirt with Japanese writing, dark blue but not completely black jeans, and a pair of red vans. To complete the "typical Isak but not really" look, he also wore a dark red cap, which of course, he wore it backwards, because fuck Eskild and what everyone else thinks.

He checks himself in the mirror before hearing a 'honk' outside that was coming from outside. He opens the window to see that Jonas has arrived, with him in the driver's seat and Magnus and Madhi in the back passenger seats.

"Hurry up loser," Jonas shouts out from the car, honking the car horn once more. Isak grabs his phone and rushes out the door.

He sees Eskild and says his goodbye to him, "Bye Eskild!"

Eskild mutters something under his breath, but sees Isak. "See you later, Baby Jesus!" Eskild shouts out as he enters Jonas's car. After he enters in the front passenger seat, he and Jonas soon exchange weird glances.

"What the fuck?" Jonas was trying to contain himself, "Maybe I should call you baby Jesus from now on". Jonas soon begins to crack up and so does Magnus and Mahdi.

"Whatever, let's just go," Isak replied, and Jonas starts to drive to get beer and marijuana to smoke a joint at the party. They soon arrived at Eva's house, soon being greeted by a drunk Eva.


Isak can't seem to take his eyes off the couple making out across the room. He's starting to feel like a voyeur, but he really can't help but analyze the fact that it looks like the girl is eating that guy's face the same way zombies eat peoples' brains. But hey, maybe that's just his imagination running away with itself.

It was like he was stuck on a hypnotic trance, staring at the couple – if they are a couple, making out but soon after snapped out of it when the girl dismantles herself out of the guy's face. He couldn't recognize the girl's face, but he sure could recognize the boy's face.

Wait, what the fuck? Is that ... is that Chris Schistad? THE Chris Schistad? As in Penetrator Chris?

"Hello, earth to Isak!" Jonas snapped his fingers in front of Isak's face trying to get his attention. They were in the back room. He had completely forgotten that he was supposed to be playing poker with Jonas and the rest of the crew, add to the fact that he was a little buzzed already. Isak found that he couldn't concentrate on the game anymore.

"Isak, seriously man, what's up?" Magnus said, "Are you sure there aren't any guys here who you want to bang? Because maybe that'd put a smile on your face"

"What the fuck Mags?" Jonas couldn't help but laugh because he would've asked Isak the same question, except in a much more appropriate way that was comfortable for Isak

Mahdi condescended, "I'm pretty sure Isak can get his some if he wanted, Mags. We're still waiting for you to hook-up with that chick you've been eye fucking for the past hour". Isak looked at Mahdi and wanted to hug him, because discussing his love life, or lack thereof, was not something Isak wanted to be doing right at this moment in time.

"I'm getting to it, just ... later". Magnus decided to go off on a tangent about no matter how many times he tried he still couldn't find a girl at this party who wanted to hook up with him.

"Right... well, I'm going to go get some air. I think that's enough poker for me tonight. I'll catch you guys later," Isak said as he walked towards the door.

After saying bye to the guys, Isak wandered outside and found a rickety looking deck chair to sit on while he lit a joint. He laid back and looked up to the sky. After all these years of looking up at the stars, he found it comforting to know just how big the universe was.

Isak jumped when someone coughed next to him. He was about to shout at the person for sneaking up on him, but when he lifted his head, he was met with the most amazing brown eyes staring down at him.

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