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I looked at my clock. 6:30AM, once again.

Waking up on a Tuesday used to be so normal, so familiar to my mind and body clock. But I guess you could say that times had changed and that the world had moved on from its normality and that things had changed for the better..

actually, more like for the worse.

2 months ago, a large earthquake occurred in Japan, destroying many different buildings, jobs and lives. The magnitude hit at over 7.0 and thousands of scientists were claiming it to be the most abnormal natural disasters in human history. But what followed was of the most critical disaster.

After the earthquake, other large earthquakes began occurring all across the globe. It began with the neighbouring countries: China, Russia, Tunisia, etc. . But it didn't take long until the monstrous shockwaves began spreading to countries on the complete other side of the world, even places like London.

A day later, the greatest depression began. The world was filled with mass amounts of unexplained flooding, heat waves – even mass spread of what seemed like long-gone diseases tainted the lands.

Nobody knew the true reason why this was happening. Nobody could explain all of this mess, except one man. And unsurprisingly, that one man was anything but anybody, and anything but normal.


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