Manuel Neuer

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A Manuel Neuer story for neuerbae

"Natalie, go wake daddy up" I said to my 4 year old daughter. Today was Manuel's birthday and I woke up very early to prepare his favourite meals.
For breakfast I made him pancakes with nutella' his favourite thing in this world.
Manu came down with Nat trailing behind him.
"Good Morning liebe" he said while kissing me.

"Good morning and Happy Birthday Manu" I answered.

We all sat and ate and afterwards Manuel went to practice. Okay I had 3 hours to prepare the suprise for him. The thing is that I am pregnant with a baby boy and Manuel doesn't know yet. I had the best idea on how to reveal my pregnancy and I was going to do it over a homemade dinner.
Firstly , I went to the grocery store and the bakery to get the ingredients and a cake. I was planning on making some stew and pizza pot pies. Making the food was easy but I also had to decorate the house and glam up myself and Natalie. Time passed and it was time for Manuel to get back.I had everything ready for him.I heard his car park and we went to the door to greet him.He kissed me and Nat on the cheek,we sat on the table and ate.Afterwards I brought out the cake and it was time to give him his gifts.
Nat made him a card and he was so happy when he saw it.

Nat made him a card and he was so happy when he saw it

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It was time for me to give him his present.I had it wrapped up in a small red box and he opened it and saw

"Babe, these shoes are too small for Nat"he exclaimed "They aren't for Natalie"I said while putting a hand over my belly

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"Babe, these shoes are too small for Nat"he exclaimed
"They aren't for Natalie"I said while putting a hand over my belly.
His eyes widened, he got up from his chair and hugged me.
"I can't believe it,we are gonna be parents again. I love you liebe,you made me so happy" He said
"This is literally the best birthday.I will go call Thomas and Basti" he said happily and ran off.

I couldn't wait for my baby boy to be born.

Hope you liked it.

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